Win Understanding how to confirm DTS-HD MA as output, when receiver doesn’t show.
Objective: Understanding how to confirm DTS-HD MA as output, when receiver doesn’t show.

Hi all

I have always been streaming DTS core from my samsung TV to my LG 9.1 setup (model BH9530TW), [LINK:] which gives an incredible immerstive surround sound experience.

However, when playing blu-ray movies the sound has just always been another level, as the system can play DTS-HD MA etc. (lossless formats), so the other day I downloaded Kodi to try streaming the DTS-HD MA formats to the system. LG has confirmed that streaming this format to the device is possible (I asked in an email). However the device shows the same (D3-2.1) whatever it receives DTS core or HD-MA.

As with the Blu-rays, streaming from the PC via HDMI is just another level of sound, in particular the allocation of sound is much much better. Now, I suspect some of the reason being that my PC (Zenbook UX303LN) [LINK:] together with Kodi allocates the sound significantly better than my Samsung TV because I guess the allocation should not change, right? I think Samsung might be cutting some corners to make it work.

Anyhow, my question is the following: Since my receiver does not let me know if it receives DTS core or DTS-HD-MA, is there a way to check the output stream rate through Kodi? Kodi does display the DTS-HD-MA icon, but it also does that when I play it on my PC so that is not of much use.

Another problem that I have as well is that when I set my Sound properties in Windows 10 to 24bit, 96000HZ then Kodi does not output sound (but VLC does). However when I use 24bit and 48000HZ Kodi works fine. I tried to change the Kodi audio setting to “fixed” but it doesn’t change anything. Anyways, that was just a side track question.

If you guys can help me with the output identification part I would be greatly thankful.

Kind Regards,
On the second part, I used MediaInfo to check my sound files and I see that they are all 24bit and 48kHz so that is probably why Kodi doesn't like when I try to force through 96kHz.

Anyways, back to the first part - if anyone knows how to force DTS-HD MA to be the output that might also be a solution. The only setting that I can choose is "DTS capable receiver" which I have on as I want to send a 5.1 lossless signal to my reciever. It does say in the text that this will disable support for 8 channel DTS-HD audio decoding, but that should be fine as my reciever can only recieve a 6 channel signal.

Would be nice with an option that said "force DTS-HD when avaiable" or something, such that you are certain that it is not playing DTS core.

Anyways, I will buy a proper reciever when I have the money to spare... (not going to happen the next 6 months.....)

Kind Regards,

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Understanding how to confirm DTS-HD MA as output, when receiver doesn’t show.1