Incorrect watched indicator
I have been using Metropolis for quite a while now and love it. I use it with NextPVR as my PVR client. I have the NextPVR server on its own separate Windows computer with a 6 Hauppauge tuners on two cards and an HDHomeRun as two more tuners. This allows me to record any and all network shows I want. It works great. The problem is (and I think this is a skin problem) the watched indicator does not work correctly. Some folders show watched when there is a new - unwatched show in it. Some folders have no check mark on them indicating there is an unwatched show in it when in fact the folder is empty. Is there a fix for this?
I have been looking into this more and believe it is a SQL issue. Somehow the database is not being correctly updated or the search of the files is missing something. It does not seem to be an extension problem as the database sees mkv as well as mp4 and ts files. I will keep looking as to where the disconnect is.

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