- ZIP file not visible in host page - ....any ideas?
Hi. I'm in need of help. Im running Kodi 16.1 on X92 Android 6.0 box. I am using HTTP File Server for Windows 8.1 and using my PC as the host for my addons/zip files.....here comes the part I am struggling with....I can view and download all of the files from remote locations, so I know that there is no problem with firewall, server, or anything like that. Yet when I 'Add source' in file manager, I can locate my host folder using my external ip address & port number. But when I come to Install from zip, the zip files that are residing in my host folder, are not visible in the 'install from zip file' section.

I hope I have posted in the right section and provided a good enough description, that someone can resolve this stumbling block for me

Thanks in advance!

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Oh I see...Thanks for letting me know.

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- ZIP file not visible in host page - ....any ideas?1