Lost Post
Hi, only my second post, my Q is how/where do I find my 1st/last post in the forum? Confused Thanks in advance. M
You are sure that you submitted it? Even when your post is send to the garbage section, you should be able to track it. If I look at your profile there is no mentioning of 2 posts (this one and the previous)
Go into your profile (click your username). Click on find all posts.
In your case, there's exactly one

Hi, Thanks for your quick reply, I had 2 replies from " Poppy " member and " Stuffer "? Admin?
Thread moved to website issues.

Whilst there are members called "Poppy" and "Stuffer" here, the former has never posted (and last visited in 2014) and the latter has only posted once, in 2013 (when they last visited the site as well). Both are standard junior members, neither are admins.

As the others have noted, your post count is exactly 2, both of them above this one in this thread. With the exception of spam, we do not directly delete any posts here, but rather move them to the bin section where they stay for a period of time before they are removed.
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Kodi Blog Posts
You might be mixing up boards?
Well i found your post, and the reply's from poppy and Stoofer, but i believe the website and the add-on it host are banned so will not post website
thank you

Checked it and YES its def a no no site
you should have a look at this site m8
English is not my native language; please excuse typing errors.
Grampa Simpson: Unfortunately, like all true stories, this one has a crappy ending. You have a story with an ending.
Grampa, are you sure you're okay to drive at night? Grampa: It's night?
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