Leia bug in Android TV
When I try to open a Library item from the Android TV Launcher recommendations row when kodi is not running in the background I get the following error Playback failed One or more items failed to play. Check the log for more information about this message. I tried in the default skin Estuary and Titan BETA for Kodi Leia with the same result. The Library items open up fine if kodi is running in the background.
Running Matrix Titan Bingie Mod skin on Nvidia Shield to Insignia 58in 4k TV in living room. Same setup on Xiaomi Mi boxes in my bedroom and home gym. Same setup in camper with a 24in tv, Google Pixel 7 Android 13 cell phone. Kodi and Plex Server Dell Inspirion 5575 Ryzen 5 HTPC Windows 10 with 5TB external HDD

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Leia bug in Android TV0