Bug Tracker Log In
Hi Guys,

I've just tried to log in to https://trac.kodi.tv/login with my login used on this forum, as stated. But all I get is "Invalid username or password".

So far I tried using e-mail-address or user name; even deleting browser cache did nothing so far. Any hints what I should do different?
Last time I logged into it, was before the forum migration to the current version.

Try deleting the forum cookie.
Moved to Forum/Website issues.
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Hi jjd-uk,
(2017-12-23, 18:57)jjd-uk Wrote: Try deleting the forum cookie.

just did that; and now it seems to accept the login information, but I'm still getting an error message:

Trac detected an internal error:

ValueError: unsupported format character '(' (0x28) at index 41
The action that triggered the error was:

POST: /login

Hi folks,

after changing the username to plain ascii-charcters without space the login is working again. So the bug tracker login seemd to get confused with either spaces or upper level ascii codes (128+).

But this issue is solved for me; marked it so.


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