MySQL File is no longer available
Working with 17.6 on Windows 10 computer(s) and installed Mysql 5.5.42 on my main computer. I went to another computer on my network, added the advancedsettings information, & when I start Kodi, I can see my movies & tv shows but when I go to play them I set "The file is no longer available, would you like to remove it from the library?" I am able to go play a show from the main computer, but still get the same message. Here's the logfile:    I want to be able to use my library for watched status, so I can keep my computers in sync.
18:22:06.376 T:5300 INFO: MYSQL: Connected to version 5.5.42
18:22:06.388 T:5300 NOTICE: Running database version MyMusic60
18:22:06.403 T:5300 NOTICE: Running database version MyVideos107
The MySQL database itself is not the problem. It's the access to the video file that is no longer possible. Apparently the stored network path in your video database does not work on your latest Kodi device.

Apparently you are not accessing the video file(s) in the same manner as you do on the other computer(s). If you access files that are stored locally on one of those computers, and it also runs Kodi, you will need to access them on that the local computer via the same network protocol as the other computer(s) already do.

The watched status is already in the MySQL video database. Just connect your problem Kodi device properly Smile
(2018-07-15, 01:45)Klojum Wrote:
18:22:06.376 T:5300 INFO: MYSQL: Connected to version 5.5.42
18:22:06.388 T:5300 NOTICE: Running database version MyMusic60
18:22:06.403 T:5300 NOTICE: Running database version MyVideos107
The MySQL database itself is not the problem. It's the access to the video file that is no longer possible. Apparently the stored network path in your video database does not work on your latest Kodi device.

Apparently you are not accessing the video file(s) in the same manner as you do on the other computer(s). If you access files that are stored locally on one of those computers, and it also runs Kodi, you will need to access them on that the local computer via the same network protocol as the other computer(s) already do.

The watched status is already in the MySQL video database. Just connect your problem Kodi device properly Smile
Klojum, thank you for your response. I believed by follow the guides, I had set up mysql properly. Kodi on computer 2 does show the movies/tv shows (cover art), so there is information being transmitted from the main computer to computer 2, but I am unsure how to change the setup
Okay, a few simple questions first (as I don't see any clear indications).

- Where are your video files stored?
- How is computer Kodi #1, which likely does the scraping, accessing those video files? Via a SMB connection, or via something else, or does it have them stored on its own harddisk(s)?
(Pick a random movie, and check via the Information page of that movie, what the full file path to that video is. Set the focus on the Refresh button for that.
- Are you using UPnP for sharing scraped video files? Please note that non-scraped videos are not being shared via UPnP.

FYI, all metadata is available via the MySQL database. That way, all info is shown and is fanart downloaded onto your Kodi #2 computer. The actual video file is nothing MySQL related, and that is currently a problem.
(2018-07-15, 02:12)Klojum Wrote: Okay, a few simple questions first (as I don't see any clear indications).

- Where are your video files stored?
- How is computer Kodi #1, which likely does the scraping, accessing those video files? Via a SMB connection, or via something else, or does it have them stored on its own harddisk(s)?
(Pick a random movie, and check via the Information page of that movie, what the full file path to that video is. Set the focus on the Refresh button for that.
- Are you using UPnP for sharing scraped video files? Please note that non-scraped videos are not being shared via UPnP.

FYI, all metadata is available via the MySQL database. That way, all info is shown and is fanart downloaded onto your Kodi #2 computer. The actual video file is nothing MySQL related, and that is currently a problem.
 video files stored on hard drive, computer #1, file is c://media_library/movies/hoosiers (1986)/hoosiers (1986).mp4
I am not using UPnP.  Generally, in following the directions (  I set up mysql, attempted to export my video library, and then added advancedsetting to the other computer.
(2018-07-15, 07:44)clones Wrote: video files stored on hard drive, computer #1, file is c://media_library/movies/hoosiers (1986)/hoosiers (1986).mp4
That was to be as expected, I guess. Smile The tutorial website you selected for setting up MySQL for Kodi use is pretty extensive, however it does not touch the subject of properly accessing/sharing files via a network. And that is where the problem lies here. Your video meta data are now being stored in the MySQL video database with the example file location ''c://media_library/movies/hoosiers (1986)", which is fine for machine #1 (where those files are located), but it is NOT correct for your machine #2. The database will only share the meta data of your scraped videos, it will not share the video files themselves.

Thus, simple: machine #2 does not have the example path "c://media_library/movies/hoosiers (1986)". Therefore you get the message "video is no longer available" on machine #2. You will require a network share, which in Windows will be the Samba file protocol by default. To make it more mysterious, you will have to access your video files as network files, not as local files, in order to have a correct video files location in your MySQL database, so all connected Kodi devices can properly access your videos...

One thing you can already do, is to first make a proper 'backup' of all your meta data, including the watch statuses and resume points. It will make the re-import into a new video database that much easier. Do not forget to set the parameters for exporting watched status and resume points in the advancedsettings.xml file! See this wiki page for more details.

(2018-07-15, 07:44)clones Wrote: I am not using UPnP. 
18:22:06.684 T:4904 NOTICE: starting upnp client
18:22:06.687 T:4904 NOTICE: starting upnp server

It is enabled, hence my question and confusion. If you're not using it, it's best to be disabled in Settings / Services / UPnP/DLNA / Share my libraries.
(2018-07-15, 13:20)Klojum Wrote:
(2018-07-15, 07:44)clones Wrote: video files stored on hard drive, computer #1, file is c://media_library/movies/hoosiers (1986)/hoosiers (1986).mp4
That was to be as expected, I guess. Smile The tutorial website you selected for setting up MySQL for Kodi use is pretty extensive, however it does not touch the subject of properly accessing/sharing files via a network. And that is where the problem lies here. Your video meta data are now being stored in the MySQL video database with the example file location ''c://media_library/movies/hoosiers (1986)", which is fine for machine #1 (where those files are located), but it is NOT correct for your machine #2. The database will only share the meta data of your scraped videos, it will not share the video files themselves.

Thus, simple: machine #2 does not have the example path "c://media_library/movies/hoosiers (1986)". Therefore you get the message "video is no longer available" on machine #2. You will require a network share, which in Windows will be the Samba file protocol by default. To make it more mysterious, you will have to access your video files as network files, not as local files, in order to have a correct video files location in your MySQL database, so all connected Kodi devices can properly access your videos...

One thing you can already do, is to first make a proper 'backup' of all your meta data, including the watch statuses and resume points. It will make the re-import into a new video database that much easier. Do not forget to set the parameters for exporting watched status and resume points in the advancedsettings.xml file! See this wiki page for more details.
(2018-07-15, 07:44)clones Wrote: I am not using UPnP. 
18:22:06.684 T:4904 NOTICE: starting upnp client
18:22:06.687 T:4904 NOTICE: starting upnp server

It is enabled, hence my question and confusion. If you're not using it, it's best to be disabled in Settings / Services / UPnP/DLNA / Share my libraries.   
Thank you Klojum. I had wondered about the videos needing to be networked but had not found that stated in the how to geek or the wiki instructions, so I was not sure. Ironic, as well I must have upnp enabled on computer #2, but I do not have it enabled on #1. I went into advance sharing and added my media_library with my movies/tv shows. It does appear the wiki for windows10 is incorrect because I believe Microsoft has now ended homegroup in windows 10. Is this ( the route to go?
Do you recommend having it user name/password protected?
(2018-07-15, 18:32)clones Wrote: t does appear the wiki for windows10 is incorrect because I believe Microsoft has now ended homegroup in windows 10. Is this ( the route to go?
It is not so much incorrect, but more simply behind on facts. Microsoft changed quite a few things regarding SMB file sharing, and maintaining a Wiki is basically a never-ending story.
Yeah, using the "Add network location.." is the preferred way to go, as this method also stores full user credentials.

(2018-07-15, 18:32)clones Wrote: Do you recommend having it user name/password protected?
It's not recommended anymore, it's simply a requirement for SBMv2+.
To create/use a Windows user it must have full credentials, thus also a password. The SMBv1 all went wrong there, allowing anonymous access as well as "no password required", and voila, the worldwide WannaCry worm did its thing.
(2018-07-15, 19:04)Klojum Wrote:
(2018-07-15, 18:32)clones Wrote: t does appear the wiki for windows10 is incorrect because I believe Microsoft has now ended homegroup in windows 10. Is this (Adding_video_sources (wiki)) the route to go?
It is not so much incorrect, but more simply behind on facts. Microsoft changed quite a few things regarding SMB file sharing, and maintaining a Wiki is basically a never-ending story.
Yeah, using the "Add network location.." is the preferred way to go, as this method also stores full user credentials.
(2018-07-15, 18:32)clones Wrote: Do you recommend having it user name/password protected?
It's not recommended anymore, it's simply a requirement for SBMv2+.
To create/use a Windows user it must have full credentials, thus also a password. The SMBv1 all went wrong there, allowing anonymous access as well as "no password required", and voila, the worldwide WannaCry worm did its thing.  
It looked like I did not have all smb features checked, and I was having trouble getting passed this before when I went to add media files. I was able to add the files now to the library, so they are the networked ones. It not make me set a password, is there a specific location I should be looking for setting a password? At present, I do not have need a password to login windows. (Thank you again)
I don't know all the ins and outs of Windows and SMB sharing. I've using mostly Ubuntu Linux and NFS (not SMB) myself for the last 7+ years. Smile
But, having no password to enter suggests your Windows systems are still on SMBv1, which would be a issue. Perhaps others can step in on that subject.
(2018-07-15, 20:19)Klojum Wrote: I don't know all the ins and outs of Windows and SMB sharing. I've using mostly Ubuntu Linux and NFS (not SMB) myself for the last 7+ years. Smile
But, having no password to enter suggests your Windows systems are still on SMBv1, which would be a issue. Perhaps others can step in on that subject.
Thank you for all your help Klojum. I think I got it. I was able to add movies/tv shows to a network drive. I realized that I had not started over when I started working with mysql, and I had to build the videos from scratch with a network drive. Initially, when I went to computer #2, I was getting the same message, and once I added the networked file paths, then I was able to play the movies/tv shows and watched status was being captured on both computers. I think I am getting double listings of movies but I will work that out later. At least at this point, the networking component worked and watched status working.

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