Problems installing Krypton on W7
Hi everyone.

After long time of test and making some "own" mods in my system it's time to say goodbye to my old XBMC and upgrade to Kodi.

I decided make a clean installation, reinstaling W7......BUT something was wrong.

I installed W7 home basic in a Intel NUC (where worked long time and old version of XBMC), uptaded using windows update, installed Kody 17.6 without problems but the programs won't start. Don't appears the splash screen, only black screen. Sometimes appears the Kodi screen but hanged, and some times appears "this program stop work......." and nothing more I can do.

I tried with some different verions with the same result, so I understand that some fails in W7 or I need to install some other software, but no idea what more I'll can do.

Any ideas?

Thank you very much
A NUC should be able to run Kodi. Can you provide a kodi.log and a crash logfile if available?
Have you also tried installing the Kodi 18 beta 5 build?
I didn't try to install Leia, maybe thihs afternoon.

How can i post the logs?

Thank you
You can find the log file at %APPDATA%\Kodi\kodi.log.

The simplest way is to copy/paste the contents onto and save it, and provide the URL here on the forum.
I can only imagine it's an older NUC with driver problems?
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(2018-11-07, 13:51)Martijn Wrote: I can only imagine it's an older NUC with driver problems?
 It's an DCP847SKE. I downloaded the drivers from Intel and seems that are ok.
(2018-11-07, 13:46)Klojum Wrote: You can find the log file at %APPDATA%\Kodi\kodi.log.

The simplest way is to copy/paste the contents onto and save it, and provide the URL here on the forum.
Kodi Log
Here is the log
The log is most useful when the debug log is turned on catch 22 work-round here. Log file/Advanced (wiki) section 1.2 Turn on debugging using a file (advancedsettings.xml). This will impart much more information regarding the exact failure, although the gfx engine is suspect.
(2018-11-07, 19:07)PatK Wrote: The log is most useful when the debug log is turned on catch 22 work-round here. Log file/Advanced (wiki) section 1.2 Turn on debugging using a file (advancedsettings.xml). This will impart much more information regarding the exact failure, although the gfx engine is suspect.
 Thanks Patk, Now I started the update to windows 10. I'll inform about the results.
I woudn't advise running Windows 10 on your Celeron 847 CPU, its Sandy Bridge generation and not supported

Windows should work fine, but the GPU will be relying on old drivers not designed for 10
(2018-11-07, 20:35)jools5000 Wrote: I woudn't advise running Windows 10 on your Celeron 847 CPU, its Sandy Bridge generation and not supported

Windows should work fine, but the GPU will be relying on old drivers not designed for 10
 At this time, seems that all work fine. I made an upgrade from W7 to W10 and the first test are ok. At this moment Kody Krypton starts, don't hang and play fine the movies.

Tomorrow I'll install again W7 and make more test using different graphics drivers. I'll tell you the results.

Thank you everybody
Keep us informed, as a side note the nightlies are labelled B18RC and I'm using it with win7/64
Well finally I made some test and there are the results

- Clean installation W7 NUC + Kripton - Some times works fine and some times hangs the program. When hangs no Crash's very strange. When goes well I can see movies, music....all without problem
- Clean instalaltion W7 NUC + Leia - Same result as the Kripton option
- Upgrade to W10 - Perfect booth (Krypton and Leia).

Maybe the GFX part in win W7 are too old to work fine and with W10 is another driver and works better.....It's the only thing that I think could be the problem.

Therefore, with my W10 works fine, and that's the final test.

Thank you every one for your support.

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Problems installing Krypton on W70