Kodi will not load

My first new tv in years .... and my first smart TV.

A Hisense H9E plus.

Andriod 8.0

I can load apps from Google Play.

I even got Firefox onto a USB and used a side loader to get it up and running.

I went to google play ... picked Kodi ... it downloaded ... tired to load ... Error ... 905

I tired to download it onto a USB ... same problem.

I tired all the suggestions on this forum (cleared cashe ... restart ...  security ...  ... ) .... nothing

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks .... Mike
Sorry .... 910 error   ... then a 506 error .... help!

Thanks .... Mike

Try to install manually the most recent build from here: https://app.box.com/v/kodi4sonytv

As I said, first smart TV.  I did buy this one because it had Android rather then it's own operating system (like the Samsung or LG ... all three TV's were $750 - $800).

OK, realize you are talking to a guy who does not (and has never had) a smart phone (have an old flip phone I carry just in case the wife wants me).  Never had a laptop.  Heck, I am rebuilding old rotary phones at night Smile

I did use the extract and get the apk file for firefox ... I really wanted a browser.  It was funny, I wondered why it looked so strange on my tv ... then a fried said it looked exactly like it does on his smart phone ... makes sense now.

I am honestly not even sure what Kodi does ... but everyone recommends putting it on your TV and then putting addons like magic dragon on it.

I am going to try installing Windscribe next (I read it is needed to get some of the channels ... hides location or something)  ... then try adding in magic dragon.

I have spent the past three days reading page after page about smart TV's and android .... think I have at least a good overview now.

Any words of wisdom as I march ahead?

Any add ons (other then magic dragon) that are a "must have"?

 Off topic but other then the usual apps (firefox, ES files, amazon prime, you tube, netflix, Sideload Launcher by chainfire ... think this is all I have tried ... most look like junk to me) is there any apps you again would say "must have"?

I truly appreciate the help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Before you get off on completely the wrong foot, can I suggest you read our wiki notes for the first time user (wiki).

Also stuff like "magic dragon" are banned addons (wiki) around here, as they make use of illegally sourced media in violation of the copyright held by the original owners and without their permission. We do not support or allow discussion of such media or add-ons here, as covered in our piracy policy (wiki) from our forum rules (wiki) (which you accepted when you signed up here - it may be worthwhile actually reading them Wink ).

If you go down that rabbit-hole of using such 3rd party add-ons to obtain movies, TV shows and channels for free then you're entirely on your own, and will have to accept any consequences of doing so (malware, viruses, potential issues with your ISP and the media owners).

Consider this a friendly piece of advice - Kodi is a media player, it is not a way to obtain anything you may want to watch without having to pay for it. A read of this blog post may also be enlightening. And if your friends are pushing you into this kind of highly questionable activity, you may want to talk to them about giving you such bad advice...
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Kodi Blog Posts
WOW ... thanks so much!

I appreciate you explaining that to me!

I am one of these people who even use only legal copies of windows and office.

Not knowing enough about software, I always have a fear of viruses or getting caught with illegal software.

Thanks so much for the links to read!

Some of the other links in my signature below should also be of interest and worthwhile in reading then.

As a rule of thumb, if you're getting media (shows, movies, channels etc) for free that you should be paying for, or that you wouldn't normally have access to (e.g. movies still in theatres) then you can consider them highly suspect and almost certainly illegally sourced. The application of common sense comes in here - if it seems too good to be true then it probably is, and if you're getting stuff from dodgy sources then who knows what else you're also getting without your knowledge...
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Kodi Blog Posts
I use and antenna and don't even have cable.

I am not a TV watcher as you can tell (think my last TV is now 10 years old).  I would not even have bought a smart TV except that is all you can get now days.

I like this one as we do have Nextflix and Amazon prime.

It was nice to get firefox working on it as up till now I have had to plug a computer into the back of the TV to see videos like facebook and youtube.

I do a lot of youtube watching also.

Again, thanks so very much for all the advice !!!!!!!!!


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