What is the point of the local.actors folder?
Hi all

I recently switched from Metabrowser to tmm, after the MetaBrowser publisher disappeared and stopping processing renewal requests, and the first thing I did was to rescrape my entire library. This proved to be a mistake, as Kodi now only display SOME of my movie posters, whereas before all were present.

My understanding was that if an nfo file is present, Kodi uses it to determine all associated meta data sources for the movie.

tmm has populated my movie folders with many images, and all my movies have a poster.jpg, yet the nfo file references web Urls for the associated images. e.g.


and indeed in tmm itself, the poster that is shown is not one of the files present in the associated folder.

Obviously I am keen to get all my movie meta data displaying correctly again, so if anyone can help me understand why there is local art yet the nfo file references external Urls, and why Kodi is not display art for some but not all movies, I would be very grateful
Given that the nfo file contains cast image links that point to tmdb.org, why would we ever need a local .actors folder?
Having it remote makes much more sense as it avoids duplicates in each movie that features a given actor, but I guess the tmm developers added the facility to create a local .actors folder for some reason - I just wonder what it is?
(2019-03-05, 18:01)stevetmm Wrote: Given that the nfo file contains cast image links that point to tmdb.org, why would we ever need a local .actors folder?
Given that the nfo file contains artwork image links that point to tmdb.org, why would we ever need a local artwork?
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Indeed - and I opened another thread about that because I just downloaded a brand new movie and scraped it. The local artwork is all correct and complete, and the nfo file contains - as you say - links to external image sources - yet when added to Kodi (Leia) it shows NO Movie poster!
Remove the movie from your library.

Provide a debug log which captures you scraping the movie again... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid2665079

Provide a clear screenshot of your folder containing the movie and artwork.

As for your original question, I don't get it. What do you want to see happen? We remove that functionality to make you happy? Bad luck for the millions of other users that do use it, and understand why it is there?
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Thanks - I shall get the debug info you asked for together.

To rephrase my original question,:

* TMM creates an nfo file contains links to external images for cast
* Kodi uses those links to get the images for (say) a movie information screen

Clearly, I am missing something - but if my assumptions above are correct, I can simply switch off the option to create a local .actors folder, then delete all the .actors folder and I will still be able to see all cast images both in TMM and in Kodi as they use the external links
Ok, that is where the confusion is.

(2019-03-05, 19:29)stevetmm Wrote: * TMM creates an nfo file contains links to external images for cast

(2019-03-05, 19:29)stevetmm Wrote: * Kodi uses those links to get the images for (say) a movie information screen
Incorrect. If local artwork is available and correctly named and saved, Kodi will always use local artwork (and nfo files).

The links in the nfo file are a fallback in case the images are not there. eg they may have been accidentally deleted, corrupted etc. The idea is that Kodi always has some avenue to access artwork and display it auto-magically.

In all cases, Kodi defaults to local. When that is missing, then it hops online to follow those links and download the items.
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Great - thanks very much. I now totally understand!

Trying to generate the answers to your previous question and - forgive a Forum newbie - but I have two problems:

1. I followed the instructions to generate the kodi.log, but the Kodi Paste site returns an error 'document exceeds maximum length' - yet the debug instructions say "Note: Full logs only. No partial or redacted logs". Is it acceptable to remove data from the log before I post, and if so, from where

2. I cannot figure out how to attach a screenshot to a forum post!

TIA for your patience.
(2019-03-05, 19:44)stevetmm Wrote: 1. I followed the instructions to generate the kodi.log, but the Kodi Paste site returns an error 'document exceeds maximum length' - yet the debug instructions say "Note: Full logs only. No partial or redacted logs". Is it acceptable to remove data from the log before I post, and if so, from where
Try https://paste.ubuntu.com/ as they accept larger logs. Make sure you restarted Kodi after enabling debug mode

(2019-03-05, 19:44)stevetmm Wrote: 2. I cannot figure out how to attach a screenshot to a forum post!
If the image is on your computer, then use button 19.
If the image has already been uploaded to a public image hosting site, right click the image and select Copy image location then use button 14 and paste the link
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OK, now we're cooking with Gas!

Log (after restart): https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DdShdxkF8d/

Source folder:

Could not see any problems in the log.

disc.png should be named discart.png

What is the thumb.jpg image - poster or fanart? Probably best not to have it as some skins use different dimensions for thumb and you end up with the wrong image in the wrong place. Let Kodi create the thumb from the other existing artwork.

The default naming of artwork, in all cases, is the long format of <videofilename>-<artworktype>.ext eg... Blade Runner (1984)-poster.jpg

Short artwork names (eg... poster, fanart, etc) can be used and are scanned only when the following conditions are met...
  1. Movie Folders (wiki) are used
  2. Movies are in separate folders that match the movie title must be Enabled in the Set Content Screen. (wiki)
  3. No artwork with long format names are present in that movie folder, as these take priority.

This setting also gives the movie.nfo priority but still uses the standard NFO (wiki) naming of <videofilename>.nfo as a fallback.

I am guessing item 2 is the problem.
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So I just read your other post, and there was a bit more info in that. I'll merge that post into this thread.

(2019-03-05, 13:51)stevetmm Wrote: and indeed in tmm itself, the poster that is shown is not one of the files present in the associated folder.
I thought the problem was in Kodi, but it seems from this statement that the problem is in TMM?

Have I taken your thread off-track?
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we also have heavy caching internally and maybe your cache got corrupt;
please try to clear the image cache and have a look if you see the right image now
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Image cache cleared - correct poster now shown in TMM, however I believe we do have some issues is both TMM AND in Lei


You said that the naming format of some of the artwork was incorrect - but the content of that folder, with the sole exception of the video file itself, were 100% created by TMM with no manual intervention, so if the image names are incorrect that is a TMM issue?


Your guess was correct!

I use Kodi on several firesticks around the house, but they are all running Krypton - and the all recognise the poster just fine - it is only my sole PB-based Leia installation which ends up with no poster

Regarding your point "Movies are in separate folders that match the movie title must be Enabled in the Set Content Screen" - I have not set this and indeed never have in many years of using Kodi even though my movies have a folder each - the reason being that the folder names do NOT match the movie title! From context, I am guessing it actually means to say "Movies are in separate folders, one for each movie", so I just tried this in Leia and all my posters now appear correctly. Checking the source folders, I find that files matching the naming convention you mentioned DO exist in SOME movie folders - and this will have been generated by my old Metabrowser installation I guess - although for those that do NOT, Krypton still displayed posters for some reason.

Anyway - scanned my entire library into Leia after setting that switch and all posters now appearing correctly - so thank you very much, and I can now start upgrading my other installations to Leia.

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What is the point of the local.actors folder?0