v18 Completed Timer Deletion - Estuary
After my Live TV programmes have recorded they will then show as 'Completed' in the timer window. Sometimes I can have a dozen or more completed timer items showing here. Currently, the only way to get rid of them is to select delete timer via context menu for each item. 

I wanted to know if there was button control I could add/create to this window that would delete all completed timers in one go when selected? That would make the task a lot quicker and far simpler. I'm not even sure that showing 'Completed Timers' in the first instance even adds any real value to the user? I normally want to delete these items as quickly as possible and just have scheduled timers showing. If I want to see completed timers, I go to recordings and look there.
Anybody else share the same view?

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Completed Timer Deletion - Estuary0