Android TV episodes showing multiple times
Running Kodi Android on a 2015 Sony Bravia (18.2). Have been using Kodi for probably 7-8 years and only in the last two months have I started getting double episodes (I.e. Same episode showing twice) showing in my library

It's done a library clean and they're still there. If I watch the episode, all iterations of it get marked as watched. Literally only just started happening (I think from 18.2)

Library is a SQL server if that makes a difference. Didn't have to rebuild going from Kodi 17 to 18 like I used to have to

Please provide a Debug Log capturing a library update. It will help enormously if you first delete one of the problem tv shows from the library, then run the Library Update.

Are you using NFO files?
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Yeah using .nfo files but I always have. Anyway, enabled debug logging, removed one of the series in question and added it again and, ahh, the issue has gone away. Just deleted the other three shows and added and all appear to be fine

No idea what was going on but appreciate your reply. Will resurrect this thread if it happens again

NFO Files created by Kodi or another media manager? Maybe Radarr/Sonarr?

Check your tvshow.nfo and episode nfo files and ensure you have one or more of the following entries...
<uniqueid type="imdb">tt5458832</uniqueid>
<uniqueid type="tmdb">65836</uniqueid>
<uniqueid type="tvdb" default="true">307767</uniqueid>

If you don't the problem will recur.

If you do, then lets mark it as a gremlin, and let us know if it happens again.
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That isn't in my .nfo files but I just checked the folder of one of the shows I had an issue with and there aren't .nfo files are all, just the video files themselves. Anyway, fingers crossed it's gone!
Sorry to resurrect this but still having issues. Only have .nfo files created if I backup by library. None of the new episodes (i.e. the ones I'm having issues with) have .nfo's

Have set Kodi to auto update library on startup. Just ran a library update where it picked up three new episodes but it's put each in twice

If I hit "refresh" on that episode it works out there's only one and corrects it but doing it manually for each episode is pretty lame. Seems weird that it's working after a manual refresh though

For me to upload a log, should it be turned on before turning kodi on add ran until the library update is complete?
(2019-09-10, 12:58)s_t_r_o_b_e Wrote: For me to upload a log, should it be turned on before turning kodi on add ran until the library update is complete?
A proper debug log has debug enabled, as well as additional components enabled which are deemed necessary.
Then restart Kodi for a new log, reproduce the error(s), and provide the kodi.log file aftwards.

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TV episodes showing multiple times0