Solved Shared folders from up to date Windows 10 Professional
For many years I had an MFG Pro 4K and shared folders worked a treat. I updated to a MX10 and with fiddling and farting around got that to work for a couple of years.
In the last two weeks my Windows 10 updated....   At the same time I got NBN now my shares don't work and all my fiddling and farting around cannot get it to work.
I've done searches and read everything on here but still can't get things working. I have about 10 shared folders and all worked perfectly a couple of weeks ago.....
Can I get it working again? If so - How please?
I am a mainframe Analyst Programmer but NOT familiar with Android, Linux, RPi etc etc so I need fairly simple explanations.
How (in simple terms) do I get my MX10 to access my shared folders again. Is it as simple as just creating another Windows UserHuh?
Thanks in Anticipation....
(2019-09-30, 13:06)louwin Wrote: For many years I had an MFG Pro 4K and shared folders worked a treat. I updated to a MX10 and with fiddling and farting around got that to work for a couple of years.
In the last two weeks my Windows 10 updated....   At the same time I got NBN now my shares don't work and all my fiddling and farting around cannot get it to work.
I've done searches and read everything on here but still can't get things working. I have about 10 shared folders and all worked perfectly a couple of weeks ago.....
Can I get it working again? If so - How please?
I am a mainframe Analyst Programmer but NOT familiar with Android, Linux, RPi etc etc so I need fairly simple explanations.
How (in simple terms) do I get my MX10 to access my shared folders again. Is it as simple as just creating another Windows UserHuh?
Thanks in Anticipation....
Yes, Microsoft has made sharing much harder for a simple "private home network.
Here is my system and solution:
2 Dell computers, modem, router and various usb exterior Hard drives.
In my office is one Dell, modem, router and hard drives, living room the other Dell with my receiver and flat panel. In the living room the Dell is connect by direct Ethernet to the router.
On this Dell (running Windows 10) if you navigate to: C:\Users\"username"\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata   there will be a file: "sources.xml"

add to your shared folders to the file according to how you have your system setup.
Here is a sample from mine:

        <default pathversion="1"></default>
        <default pathversion="1"></default>
            <path pathversion="1">smb://PAUL-PC1/Concerts/</path>
            <name>Music DVDA</name>
            <path pathversion="1">smb://PAUL-PC1/Music DVDA/</path>
            <name>Television Shows</name>
            <path pathversion="1">smb://PAUL-PC1/Television Shows/</path>
            <path pathversion="1">smb://PAUL-PC1/Movies/</path>
            <name>Movies New</name>
            <path pathversion="1">smb://PAUL-PC1/Movies New/</path>
        <default pathversion="1"></default>
            <path pathversion="1">smb://PAUL-PC1/Music/</path>
            <name>Streaming Radio</name>
            <path pathversion="1">smb://PAUL-PC1/Streaming Radio/</path>
        <default pathversion="1"></default>

PAUL-PC1 is the Dell in the office with the modem, router and usb hard drives. PAUL-PC2 is the Dell in the living room.
Look at "concerts", "dvda", "movies", "Television shows", "movies new", "music", "Streaming Radio"
Those are SMB shares from office Dell to living room Dell.
I hope this help!

If this isn't very clear....I know more I am just pressed for time right now: ask questions I will answer quickly!!
(2019-10-04, 03:04)melons2 Wrote: sources.xml

Thanks for your response melons2,

My desktop didn't have a Kodi folder and obviously no userdata folder and no sources.xml file   Sad
Using your file as a template I created my sources.xml file....
I replaced your User, Computer names and share names with mine. Created a Kodi folder and a userdata folder in it and copied my sources.xml file into it.
Unplugged the MX10 and plaugged it back in again. Opened RKMC (not Kodi) and tried to connect to my shares. Sadly I got "Connection Refused"
instead of the old error message. I played around with a couple of variations but couldn't get any success   Sad
My User name is Louis and my computer name is LOUWIN, what should I be using? I did try both always cold starting the MX10 afterwards but no luck.
I found wired connections to be better so both my desktop AND my MX10 are "wired"....
Should I have created an RKMC folder instead of a Kodi folder?

TIA for your response   Smile
I duplicated the Kodi folder as an RKMC folder. I tried using User Name and Computer name but all to no avail....   Sad
I also rebooted both devices after any modifications....
Do I have to do/run any function or program on my desktop?

(2019-10-05, 11:16)louwin Wrote: I duplicated the Kodi folder as an RKMC folder. I tried using User Name and Computer name but all to no avail....   Sad
I also rebooted both devices after any modifications....
Do I have to do/run any function or program on my desktop?

No further responses melons2?
(2019-10-16, 10:20)louwin Wrote:
(2019-10-05, 11:16)louwin Wrote: I duplicated the Kodi folder as an RKMC folder. I tried using User Name and Computer name but all to no avail....   Sad
I also rebooted both devices after any modifications....
Do I have to do/run any function or program on my desktop?

No further responses melons2? 
Where are your shared files at?  Are they on or physically attached (external drive) to the desktop?  Sorry, I don't know what a NBN or MX10 are.
(2019-10-19, 00:31)nolos Wrote: I don't know what a NBN or MX10
Think they are an MX10 Android TV box and the National Broadband Network, or NBN for short, is a high speed broadband network that’s being rolled out by the Australian Government owned NBN

@louwin I'm supposing your shared media folders are on a PC? You access them with an Android system TV box that has Kodi on it? Then @melons2 post #2 for the sources.xml file would be placed on the android box e.g. on my Shield "Computer\SHIELD Android TV\USB drive\Android\data\org.xbmc.kodi\files\.kodi\userdata\sources.xml" and communication between the boxes would be using some networking software and in this example SMB File sharing (wiki). If your media is located on a router or NAS, that would be set-up from your Android box.

I'm not really sure where the PC comes into play here, other than just another Kodi box connected to local media, Media sources (wiki) Think we need some clarification from the op and a proper debug log. SMB/Windows (wiki)
(2019-10-19, 02:05)PatK Wrote:
(2019-10-19, 00:31)nolos Wrote: I don't know what a NBN or MX10
Think they are an MX10 Android TV box and the National Broadband Network, or NBN for short, is a high speed broadband network that’s being rolled out by the Australian Government owned NBN

@louwin I'm supposing your shared media folders are on a PC? You access them with an Android system TV box that has Kodi on it? Then @melons2 post #2 for the sources.xml file would be placed on the android box e.g. on my Shield "Computer\SHIELD Android TV\USB drive\Android\data\org.xbmc.kodi\files\.kodi\userdata\sources.xml" and communication between the boxes would be using some networking software and in this example SMB File sharing (wiki). If your media is located on a router or NAS, that would be set-up from your Android box.

I'm not really sure where the PC comes into play here, other than just another Kodi box connected to local media, Media sources (wiki) Think we need some clarification from the op and a proper debug log. SMB/Windows (wiki)Yes 
Yes PatK, you're right on both counts, The MX10 and the NBN   Smile
As I have said, I have been sharing files from my "Shared Folders" on my Windows PC for YEARS. Through Windows 7, Windows 8 and 8+ and now Windows 10. It worked on Windows 10 for YEARS too. A few months ago there was an upheaval and I couldn't access my shared folders.
I played around blindly and got the access to work again. A few weeks ago it stopped working again. All my messing around couldn't make it work, I'm sorry to say so I came on here for help. melons2 suggested creating a "sources" file and I was hopeful that that would work but, again,
sad to say it didn't. I now copy the videos I want to watch to a USB 3.0 128Gb or a 256Gb Flash Drive and move it to the MX10 to watch. An okay solution but not as nice as just jumping into my shared folders on my Windows 10 desktop and watching videos without physically moving
then across to the MX10. I have about 8 shared folders for Downloads, Movies, Documentaries, TV Series, More Movies etc on my desktop. I even had an external Hard Drive AND a Portable Hard Drive on my Router a couple of years ago. When the router XHDDs stopped being recognised
I sadly stopped using them. I am a total novice with Android and Linux as such and not much better on my desktop....   I used to program a mainframe computer, commercial functions, Debtors, Creditors, General Ledger, Assets, Manufacturing etc etc. Was never a systems admin nor
such so a novice off my mainframe.
For years I used shared folders perfectly happily then they stopped working with a Windows 10 Update....
I don't see many posts about people having trouble with shared folders so I must assume I'm one of the few having trouble? Or has everyone stopped using shared folders?
Does anyone access Shared Folders on a Windows 10 desktop successfully? If so, How Please?
Thanks for your replies....    Smile
Is this of any help...
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(2019-10-20, 02:08)louwin Wrote: An okay solution but not as nice as just jumping into my shared folders
From the other thread Karellen pointed to "One of the 'features' of SMBv2 features is that it does requires full credentials including a password." follow it along, I suspect your issue will be solved. Alternatively you might entertain
(2019-10-20, 04:33)PatK Wrote:
(2019-10-20, 02:08)louwin Wrote: An okay solution but not as nice as just jumping into my shared folders
From the other thread Karellen pointed to "One of the 'features' of SMBv2 features is that it does requires full credentials including a password." follow it along, I suspect your issue will be solved. Alternatively you might entertain 
Thanks to ALL that responded. I found it was just a matter of Turning off protected password sharing. This COULDN'T be done in a direct way as the setting was NOT turn offable! It also could NOT be done with regedit. For the latest Windows 10 Update you have to use "lusrmgr.msc" to set "password never expires". ONCE done I could access ALL my shared Folders.   YAY!!!!!
Strange, no one on this forum is aware of this VERY SIMPLE fix.... NOTHING else worked....  The 5 or 6 proposals on this forum didn't work.  All the talk of SMB v1, v2 v3 etc were irrelevent....   Just use "lusrmgr.msc" and set "password never expires"....

Thread marked solved.

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Shared folders from up to date Windows 10 Professional0