Nvidia Shield TV remote not changing sound volume
Hi there,

Yesterday I installed my Nvidia Shield TV (8gb 2019 edition) with the triangular remote controller.  
After that I started setting up Kodi.  
Everything fine, got it connected to my video library on pc, arranged my libraries, everything works as it should.  

However, there are 2 buttons on my remote that are not working. The 2 volume buttons (+ and -).  
I can only change the volume of the sound by using the remote of my TV.  
(Tbh, I believe these buttons are working with the preinstalled apps like youtube and netflix, but I'm not 100% sure if I tested volume control. I think I did....)

I'm pretty sure I should be able to make it work somewhere in the Kodi setting, but I just can't find it.  
Please help this Kodi noob out... Thanks in advance!
I found a post about this on reddit. Seems a common problem with the new version.  
In case somebody else has this problem, solution is here: 
Make sure you don't map the Netflix button to Kodi or do any other remote customizations via a third-party app, because that also causes the volume controls to malfuction.

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