Genretype code for movies
The DVB spec doesn't distinguish genres between movies and shows.  Are PVR authors using anything special to highlight movies by colour in their guide data?  There are some unused colours that could be used if anyone thinks this would be a good idea.

I use EPG_EVENT_CONTENTMASK_MOVIEDRAMA exclusively for Movies, and EPG_EVENT_CONTENTMASK_SHOW for any other programs that can't be mapped to a more specific genre.  Haven't had any complaints to date.  I like it, anyway Smile
Thanks @djp952   To distinguish between games shows and drama with NextPVR we are using the User Defined category 240 which shows as Drama ok.  Estuary doesn't seem to define a colour for it though.

When a movie or tv show is a comedy, thriller etc  what category do you use?  If it is 16 then aren't those shows coloured as movies?

I just leave all movies as MOVIEDRAMA regardless of the actual genre.  I have the TMS program type available via the HDHomeRun "seriesid", so I default based on that and then customize any genre(s) that I know about and thought could be aligned differently via a mapping table.  It's probably easier to just read the comments in this file -> genremap.h rather than explain it poorly.  Note that I have to manually map Sports since I never actually get the "SP" TMS prefix.

My method has evolved over the years as more data has become available.  For example I wouldn't have known what type of a movie something was, other than it was a "Movie".  I've just kept with that mentality all along.
NextPVR does something similar for type you rarely get SP anymore TMS used to use it, I don't map all the esoteric sports that you do.  If there is a subtype match with the DVB standard we use it

 <genre name="Football" type="64" subtype="3"/>

and now with Matrix being allowing custom genre text with colours we get much more detail. 

For me having just Movie / Drama wasn't useful which is why I opened the thread.  Maybe it is just me.


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Genretype code for movies0