Solved Cannot connect RPi4 on a TV (Hitachi)
(2020-04-20, 14:34)DarrenHill Wrote: The current version of Noobs is 3.3.1 (if you do want it, download it here).

But as it's basically designed as a simple way to allow users to download other OS's and switch between them, if you know what you want and what you're doing then setting up the OS's themselves directly is the simplest way to go as you don't waste uSD card space on Noobs itself and you get a simpler and easier to maintain system.

Also the other thing to confirm with the Pi4 is which HDMI port you are using. For initial set-up etc, always use the one closest to the power connection.
Nerd Thank you Darren! You've been exceptionally helpful. Really appreciate that. Rest of the guys as well. Thank you very much. Smile
You're most welcome - enjoy your Pi experience!

Thread marked solved.
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Cannot connect RPi4 on a TV (Hitachi)0