[Kodi 18.6][Raspi3][Error Bluetooth headsets] ERROR: CDVDAudio::AddPacketsRenderer
Good afternoon,
I'm using Kodi 18.6 Git:20200310-c668f73c38
on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B (RAM: 1GB) with "Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)".
It works fine (I also installed Youtube and Amazon VOD plugins that works fine).
However, now I'm trying to use my bluetooth headset to listen sounds and it seems it cannot work properly: the video starts but the sound does not.
I tried with different headsets but nothing changes.
In the following the steps I follow:
  1. Run Raspbian
  2. Connect Bluetooth headsets through the GUI (top right bluetooth button to connect)
  3. Select the bluetooth headsets from the list of sound output device (in the top right sound icon)
  4. Run Kodi
  5. Here I can listen all the GUI sounds
  6. Select any addon (youtube, for instance)
  7. Search for a video
  8. (at this step I continue to listen GUI sound in headsets)
  9. Click to play the video
  10. The video starts but no sound is played.
  11. Looking at the log (attached) I can see the error: "ERROR: CDVDAudio::AddPacketsRenderer - timeout adding data to renderer"
  12. Close the video
  13. No GUI sound is played
  14. Close Kodi
  15. Reopen Kodi
  16. Now I listen again GUI sounds
The error does not appear when I select the HDMI output from sound outputs before opening Kodi. In that case any video is played with its own audio.

Link to Log

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[Kodi 18.6][Raspi3][Error Bluetooth headsets] ERROR: CDVDAudio::AddPacketsRenderer0