Android Kodi on Android TV in network settings shows the wrong gateway address
When displaying the Kodi system_info network settings, it  reports the Gateway IP address as an incorrect IPV4 address of The IPV4 gateway address should be the typical address of as all the other network devices report (provided by DHCP) in the network.

This occurs only when IPV6 is enabled on Android TV OS (Nvidia Shield) and also is enabled on the home Router. Note, Kodi only reports IPV4 addresses in the System_info/Network and not IPV6 addresses. Turning off IPV6 on Android TV or on the home router resolves this incorrect reporting of the gateway address.

The IPV6 Gateway address served by the home router begins with fe80 which when converted to decimal converts to 254 and 128. Seems possibly an error ( or coincidently) recognizing a IPV6 gateway address and tries incorrectly to convert to IPv4 address?

I just see the same error in the gateway of 2 Kodi in my home, same IP adresse

Any information about this bug ?
From a quick look around the net, it looks like the problem is an IPV6 address (starting fe80) being mistranslated as an IPV4 one. As noted in the OP, fe80 converts to .

So this would most likely be something outside of Kodi, and would relate to your network and IPV6 DNS set-up.
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(2021-03-28, 10:57)DarrenHill Wrote: From a quick look around the net, it looks like the problem is an IPV6 address (starting fe80) being mistranslated as an IPV4 one. As noted in the OP, fe80 converts to .

So this would most likely be something outside of Kodi, and would relate to your network and IPV6 DNS set-up.

I agree the HEX value FE80 for IPV6 is being converted to decimal value and incorrectly interpreted for a IPv4 address. I do not agree this is outside of KODI. All other devices in my network are served the gateway address correctly (IPV4 and IPV6) from the DHCP server on the network. Since the Kodi is running fine and is able to connect to both network devices (libraries) and to the internet (scrapers etc.) the internal Gateway address is/must be correct. This problem is simply with displaying the gateway address to the user, a data type and conversion error.

The OS running Kodi (Matrix) is an Android TV which is on the NVIDA Shield platform/system. Within Android TV settings menu, it shows the gateway address correctly. Since there is only one IP address for the NVIDiA Shield (also used for Kodi), the DHCP server sees only one device and serves addresses to it. thus Kodi is provided the Gateway address from the Android TV OS which was served from DHCP server.

It would be interesting if anyone using Nvida Shield or Nvidia Shield Pro has the gateway address reported correctly within Kodi version Matric. Please post.
My point was that Kodi doesn't do any actual network settings such as this, it's all done by the OS underneath.

So if it is a Kodi issue, then it would just be a cosmetic one rather than something actually being wrong in terms of not working.
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Kodi Blog Posts
(2021-04-11, 14:42)DarrenHill Wrote: My point was that Kodi doesn't do any actual network settings such as this, it's all done by the OS underneath.

So if it is a Kodi issue, then it would just be a cosmetic one rather than something actually being wrong in terms of not working.

I agree, Kodi is using the correct network IP settings correctly since all works fine, but Kodi is improperly displaying the information (Cosmetic).  It would still be good if others can confirm that this is reproducible on other NVidia shields running Matrix. Thanks for your confirmation.

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Kodi on Android TV in network settings shows the wrong gateway address0