.nfo files not visible in Kodi File Manager, but appear in Windows File Explorer

Running Kodi 20.1 on Google Chromcast / Google TV and am having an issue scraping using local only, debug log says 'No NFO file found' however they are present in the correct folder and named tvshow.nfo.

I am using a USB stick with four 32GB FAT32 partitions (only way I have found that Google TV will see the 'drives') and the USB stick is connected via a USB-C hub to the Google TV. If I use a the default scraper, I can get my TV shows added no problem, they play fine. However I really would prefer to use local only, as sometimes I will add new TV shows to the USB stick, and the Google TV may be in a location without internet. 

To add shows, I pull the USB stick from the USB-C hub, plug it into a windows 10 machine, then add the shows to one of the four partitions, under a 'TV Shows' folder. In windows, each of my TV shows folders contains a tvshow.nfo, these folders/files/.nfo files work on other installations of Kodi. When I plug the USB stick back into the Google TV, and use the File Manager in Kodi, all of the files appear for a given TV show; season folders and media files, artwork etc, except the tvshow.nfo file does not appear (The same is true for the .nfo files for each episode). This would explain the message in the log, but I don't understand why the .nfo files are only 'missing' when plugged into the Google TV device.

Digging around on my own for why this .nfo file might not appear on Android/Kodi, and I am unable to find anything useful. 

Thanks for reading and for any suggestions you may have.
Well, I tried a different USB stick with a single partition, no change. I tried placing the shows in a sub-folder so they weren't in a folder in the root of the drive, no change. I also tried changing the .nfo files to read-only or hidden, no change. As the workaround is to simply scrape using the default scraper instead of using local data only, I will have to live with that. Worst case is, if I don't have an internet connection, I can still play the files, they just aren't 'scanned to library'.

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.nfo files not visible in Kodi File Manager, but appear in Windows File Explorer0