Can we get an auto reconnect feature?
I have to occasionally reboot my router to fix network problems. However, Kodi doesn't know how to reconnect. I turn my TV on, and its sitting there asking for a password. I click cancel because there's no way I'm typing in a long ass password again. Then I find out that its disabled the connection "permanently" (till you reboot the device its self or go into settings and flip the wifi off and back on). It won't even bother trying to reconnect to the network again. This is just silly. Why can't Kodi just, re-try?

Kodi should be 'thinking': "Oh, I see the network went down. I'll send a popup saying the network is offline, and try again every x seconds this many times."
The user just gets a popup saying the network went offline in the top right, like a regular notification.

The only time it should ask for a password, is if the password is wrong.

Also, if the network is offline, stop giving me useless error codes like "nothing found". Tell me "The network is offline, I am unable to search for this content."
there are no connection functions in Kodi

as i pointed out in your last thread, you still need to figure out where Kodi ends and LibreELEC begins

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Can we get an auto reconnect feature?0