Solved OSD buttons rotate sideways?
Strangeness, on update Omega V21.0 Beta 2 and AeonNox skin V9.99.0 (vert menu; 2 portable installs behave this way after the skin update) find the OSD player buttons rotate sideways on focus (looks like chr$) and quite different from earlier versions. On pause (have jump-back in operation) I lose the 'play' button icon... although functionality of resume with the space bar is operational.

Something I haven't updated?
(2023-12-30, 03:03)PatK Wrote: Strangeness, on update Omega V21.0 Beta 2 and AeonNox skin V9.99.0 (vert menu; 2 portable installs behave this way after the skin update) find the OSD player buttons rotate sideways on focus (looks like chr$) and quite different from earlier versions. On pause (have jump-back in operation) I lose the 'play' button icon... although functionality of resume with the space bar is operational.

Something I haven't updated?

Hmmm... That's a strange one indeed. Sounds like it could be a possible label width issue.

Mind throwing up a screenshot or more specifics on what OSD buttons you see this with?
Like Music, Movie/Episode, or the extra one on the home screen.
Thread marked solved.

All the screen grabs didn't show the movement, I had a video of it but think I discovered the culprit.
This behaviour seems to be associated with windowed mode only with miss configured 'use full screen window' flag.

I'll mark this one solved.

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OSD buttons rotate sideways?0