A few questions
Hello I was thinking about trying XBMC but have a few questions first and was wondering if someone can help me out.

1. Can XBMC run on a x86 machine?
2. How possible is it to get different plug-ins made?
I am looking for plug-ins for the following.
Any possibility on those?

3. Nextflix player? I know Roku just released some source code here

4. Sirius radio.... I know there is a plug-in for firefox here
Dont know if that helps at all.

5. Is xbmc able to pick up media streams from firefly? (Music, Video, Phots)?

I have been using Elisa and found that most developers are over seas and do not have access to these services. Elisa is a nice player but is lacking a few things needed.

I'm looking to try to do all this on an Unbunt machine.
So is this possible? How active is development on this project?
Sorry for so many requests/questions.
welcome to the forums.

the xbmc wiki would answer many of your questions:

And please have a look in these forums. All your question is answered
many times i bet !
The-Boxhead Wrote:welcome to the forums.

the xbmc wiki would answer many of your questions:

And please have a look in these forums. All your question is answered
many times i bet !

Thank You..
Yes I should have done that first! Sorry.

so as for my questions, I see

All is possible for the most part! Very cool!!
I'm sure I will be back, and have questions!! Thanks

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