Refresh thumbnails?
All of my movies have associated .tbn files. I recently replaced many of them at once and I'm wondering what the best way to get XBMC to use the new images is. I know I can manually go Choose Thumb and pick the local thumb instead of the cached one, but how can this be done automatically? I found that deleting and re-scraping still uses the cached thumb, so do I just have to delete my cache? If I delete the cache will XBMC automatically regenerate it from the local thumbs or will I have to re-scrape everything first?
If you delete the cache, XBMC should recreate them using the tbn files.
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any better option for those of us with thousands of thumbnails? Esp when doing that results in 5-10 blank thumbs
Did they ever address this issue ? I am using XBMC 9.11, and I have tried for an hour now to get XBMC to update my thumbnails but it just wont do it. If you try the delete your entire thumbnail cache method, it will only pick up on thumbnails for files you view (hover on / play). For some reason they are not re-cached with a library update. The only way I have found that works for sure is deleting your entire library, remove all traces of everything (including thumbs) and then rescan Rolleyes. It would be nice if we can have thumbnails automatically refreshed on a library update.
I am on v11 RC2, and looks like there is still no refresh thumbnails option. It seems excessive to delete the thumbnails cache that could contain 100's or 1000's of thumbnails, when I just want to update a handful. Wish someone would add the option.

The only solution I founded is to select & delete only the wrong thumbs in cache:

-(1)- Make the .tbn displayed in Windows file explorer by running reg file

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




-(2)- Reboot PC

-(3)- Select & Delete only the wrong thumbs in cache:

On Windows, goto Thumbs cache folder for videos :
C:/Documents and Settings/<user_name>/Application Data/XBMC/Userdata/Thumbnails/
/Video/ 0 , 1, 2 etc..

-(4)- Launch XBMC Windows
The new correct thumbs are created Smile

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