Moviealien LIVES!....sort of
As I was in the process of cleaning out my plugins (getting rid of the ones that aren't working) and I discovered that Moviealien was working.

Well not completelyOo

It seems as though only the anime and tv streams work and they are rather quite choppy during playback. Anyways just thought I'd pass on the infoWink
Yes but it`s so awful a site i`m letting the plugin die.
I agree, it does to counter it's "suckiness" is there someway to "beef up" ninjavideoHuh

i've been trying to watch SNL for about the last hour and i get about 25-20 minutes in and it just dies. i've tried w/o veoh and w/ veoh (both versions) and still the same results.

is it me, the plugin, or the site?
Ninja doesn`t really use veoh now.

Flyupload and

Flyupload is awful

So it`s the site choice of provider - Nothing to do with me - can`t help, sorry.
No need to apologize you've done more then your share...thanks for everything Voinage.

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Moviealien LIVES!....sort of0