Resolution and Screen Issues
I used to use XBMC but somehow I quit using it... now I know again... and I would like to use it again...

The problem is that I don't get XBMC te use fullscreen TV resolution and not fullscreen desktop resolution. If I have it fullscreen on my screen I have to scroll on my tv...

I have a 16:9 1280x1024 screen and a 16:9 "old" tv with a s-video connection. I use nVidia clone (for overlay) on my system.

How can I setup XBMC to display fullscreen (by autostarting) on my TV? I am not a big fan of extended desktop, because I always loose my cursor Sad
The problem would most likely be that you are trying to output the same resolution to two devices with different resolutions. Have you tried adjusting the resolution that is output to the TV? Is that possible with your current setup?
Try the dual-mode display option rather than clone. This allows you to have different resolutions on each.
dual-mode has the side effect that the mouse cursor doesn't stop at the edge of the screen... i always loose my cursor on the other screen.

can XBMC start on "the other" screen? or do I need to drag it to the other "side"?
Use Ultramon. No need for 2nd display to be active.
Ultramon will make 2nd display the primary display, when XBMC is started, and it will switch back after exiting XBMC.
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Mediaportal has a nice config feature that allows you to autostart it on a secondary display (e.g. TV) but everything else starts, as normal, on primary display.

I'm new to XBMC, does it have this option maybe?
xbs08 Wrote:Use Ultramon. No need for 2nd display to be active.
Ultramon will make 2nd display the primary display, when XBMC is started, and it will switch back after exiting XBMC.
What's the right setting for ultramon (and nVidia display properties)?

When dragging XBMC to "the other" monitor, it isn't full screen on my TV. When I mirror the XBMC window, it is soooo slow with video on my TV.

How does you automatic thing (and hopefully with a full screen fluid picture on my tv) work?

david81 Wrote:The problem would most likely be that you are trying to output the same resolution to two devices with different resolutions. Have you tried adjusting the resolution that is output to the TV? Is that possible with your current setup?
What is the fullscreen resolution of a 16:9 "CRT" tv? Is PAL widescreen? I try to adjust it to 720x576 (=pal), but it won't be saved. It is put back to 800x600.

But maybe it isn't nessesary, if I only could run XBMC maximized on the second screen in one click (in stead of alter settings) it would be great. Mirroring fill's the whole tv (but doesn't work with video), so the resolution must be fine!
*bump* Shocked

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Resolution and Screen Issues0