Is there an Eventghost and XBMC Tutorial?
There's alot of chatter but very little step-by-step how-tos for new folk. I am using a wireless keyboard and want to configure a few keys to function within xbmc.

if your using a keyboard you shouldn't need eventghost just edit the keymap.xml how you see fit. But to answer your question there are lots of how to's all you need to do is enable the keyboard and xbmc plugins in eventghost press the key you want to assign then drag it from the log to the xbmc action.
Thanks Ryleco. I recently asked if I could edit the keymap.xml file to add an config to run a video using the External Player when the key E is pressed. Some grumpy programmer (:-) said no. Are you saying that it is possible? If so, what is the code?
I don't believe there is an action that you can call to launch the External Player least it isn't listed in the wiki if there is.

Unless you can call the action directly, a macro in EventGhost may be the only option for now.
Thanks everyone. I'll look in to it.
I would concur with the OP, there is alot of outdated Eventghost info on the forum and the majority of posts assume you know alot.

I also believe this area could do with a step by step
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Does Eventghost 3.6.1487 work with XBMCSetup-Rev17788-jester-ext? When I run the two together, some keys (down, enter) on my wireless keyboard doesn't work. Any idea?

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Is there an Eventghost and XBMC Tutorial?0