Problem with any video above SD
So after a long absence due to family death I come back to test out the newest build of XBMC build 22356 and everything runs great except any movie above standard dvd resolution. They all playback with no sound and at accelerated speed video. This is true for avi's as well as x.264 mkv's. All the dvd resolution movies playback perfectly. And a much older build (forget the number but it was from months ago) plays them perfectly.
Any thoughts?

This is on windows 7 x64 using a Nvidia 9400 HDMI out setup.
what kind of audio are you using? There's currently a dts bug going around. Try installing rev 22275.
As luck would have it I am using DTS everywhere possible. I will test dvd playback with DTS and get back to you Smile

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Problem with any video above SD0