Just two problems

I'm a entusiast user of XBMC since I got my Xbox years ago.

I'm using HTPC now and I'm trying XBMC Live for the advantagens of being a fast and light solution and offering suport for HD aceleration with NVPAU. I'm running the system with a USB stick and I'm just loving the first impressions, but I have two problems to solve and I'd like the help of this great community.

1 - I've read that my Philips SRM5100 should work with this last live version just "out of the box", but I just can't get it to work.

2 - I can't do audio passthru to my receiver. The system can't start the audio device.

If it helps, my system is based in an Asus A3N78-VM motherboard with GF8200 IGP.

We're going to need a lot more information than that. Check here: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=34655
Let's see...

I'm trying with XBMC_Live-9.04.1 just as it's downloaded... I changed nothing.

My CPU is a Phenom X3, MB Asus A3N78-VM, audio onboard VT1708B. "iec958" in XBMC audio configs.


I didn't nothing to try to resolve this problems. I don't even know how to make changes in the system with this XBMC Live. I was just waiting everything to work out of the box, as I could presume by my readings about the latest versions... it's almost there... the system is fine, unless for my philips srm 5100 not working and for this problem with AC3 and DTS bitstreams... The exact error is FAILED TO INITALIZE AUDIO DEVICE.

I searched the foruns, but I found nothing really usefull to this especific situation. I read a lot of stuff but I can't even access a terminal in this system. I saw I topic when it says to press CTR ALT F1, but it doesn't work here... Sad

Thank you, theophile!
Look at this:

[ 29.954514] lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 61
[ 29.962514]
[ 29.962517] lirc_mceusb2: Philips eHome USB IR Transceiver and Microsoft MCE 2005 Remote Control driver for LIRC $Revision: 1.51 $
(T: XBMCLive)xbmc@XBMCLive:~$ [ 29.954514] lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 61
-bash: [: missing `]'
(T: XBMCLive)xbmc@XBMCLive:~$ [ 29.962514]
-bash: [: missing `]'
(T: XBMCLive)xbmc@XBMCLive:~$ [ 29.954514] lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 61
-bash: [: missing `]'
(T: XBMCLive)xbmc@XBMCLive:~$ [ 29.962514]
-bash: [: missing `]'
(T: XBMCLive)xbmc@XBMCLive:~$ [ 29.962517] lirc_mceusb2: Philips eHome USB IR Transceiver and Microsoft MCE 2005 Remote Control driver for LIRC $Revision: 1.51 $
-bash: [: missing `]'
(T: XBMCLive)xbmc@XBMCLive:~$ [ 29.962517] lirc_mceusb2: Philips eHome USB IR Transceiver and Microsoft MCE 2005 Remote Control driver for LIRC $Revision: 1.51 $
-bash: [: missing `]'

I cant see this info typing "dmesg" via ssh. Any idea? Sad

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Just two problems0