Analogue audio 100%
Hello folks,

I have two xbmc setups, the one which uses digital audio is fine, the one which uses analogue audio has this problem.

Every time I play a media file with xbmc the system volume is set to 100%.

I don't use the xbmc internal volume control as this box is used for other software playback (myth, rhythmbox) - my remote control therefore controls the master volume across all of these apps.

I tried setting the volume specifically when xbmc start by adding this:

amixer set Master 65%

to /usr/bin/xbmc. This does not work though as the setting of the master volume to 100% occurs on media playback, with each playback instance.

Am I missing something simple?

Full paste bin log here:

Thanks for your help.
Looks like no one else is seeing this then.

Let me know if you have any ideas.
I know that with XBMC Live, Audio volumes are set to 100% with a python script that's executed just before XBMC runs. Look in the script /etc/init.d/xbmc and there should be a reference to the python script that is aptly named. I'm not at my XBMC setup right now so I can't give you specifics.

Just put a # infront of that line to remark it out so that it's not run. Then XBMC won't mess with the volumes.
Thanks Maxim. Unfortunately that's not the issue.

When xbmc starts up it my volume is set to 65% as per the mod to the /usr/bin/xbmc script mentioned above.

When I play a media file (music or video) the volume goes to 100%. When I stop playing the media it returns to 65%. Play it again, back to 100, stop, back to 65.

Very odd. This is using the analogue out on a Zotac ION 330.
For now i' working round this by setting my master volume to 100% and contolling the PCM volume with the remote. Not ideal but it works. If anyone sees the same symptoms or has any ideas please post.

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Analogue audio 100%0