9.11 Alpha1 - Library Issue

Loaded the 9.11 Alpha1 fresh on a Zotac GF-9300-G-E running Win7 Ult 64 bit.

I have loaded the recommended software before running the installer.

Once done, I completed required a scan of my NAS connected DVD library (1000+ dvd's), and making changes to the artwork, I noticed two issues:

1) Changes in artwork are not immediately displayed after making the change (it does in movie info, but not when you go back out to the list of DVD's. It continues to show the incorrect artwork).

2) The library database seems to get overwhelmed after about 10-15 changes. Artwork disappears from view, reqiring a reboot.

3) when Item #2 occurs, a normal shutdown or reboot of XBMC is not possible. XBMC hangs on exit, requiring killing the application.

Once restarted, the corrected artwork is visible in the list, but the cycle repeats as I make additional artwork changes.

Please let me know when the next version is released, or if the team wants logs or if this is something of which they are aware.


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Quote:2) The library database seems to get overwhelmed after about 10-15 changes. Artwork disappears from view, reqiring a reboot.

3) when Item #2 occurs, a normal shutdown or reboot of XBMC is not possible. XBMC hangs on exit, requiring killing the application.

Sorry that I can't produce a log right now but I can confirm the exact same issues running Camelot Alpha on Vista x64.
The debug log is at...


As described in my first post, I want to also add that after the issue develops in the library, exiting to the main menu results in none of the usual pictures being displayed next to the menu choices. Just a big black screen where the shark, farmhouse, gear etc usually were.

I tried to exit the application, but again, had to end the application manually through taskmanager.


Thanks kiboy6, for validating with your "me too" post.

Thanks jmarshal, I have enjoyed your posts in the past. This is my first debug log paste... Easier than I thought. Nod

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9.11 Alpha1 - Library Issue0