HDMI Issues - Anyone Else
I am currently running Ubuntu 9.10 (technically its Mythbuntu) for my XBMC box. For the most part things work well. I have two issues, both related to HDMI that are making me consider switching back from linux. I really dont want to do that for various reasons.. so I am hoping someone has some insight

1) When I first boot up or come out of sleep mode, my video and audio are a bit choppy. I get green and black screen flashes etc. All it takes to fix this is to change the resolution a few times. I considered scripting a resolution change, but sometimes it takes 2 changes other times 5 and if you change it again, it may start happening again

2) Audio - everything works inside of XBMC (though on rare occasions I get audio issues) and in every application outside of XBMC, except flash based applications. I am mainly trying to launch HuluDesktop from XBMC and cant get audio working at all. I have made an asound.conf with my HDMI port default and that fixed everything except flash.

Any ideas? I would appreciate any help I can get.

Anybody else?

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HDMI Issues - Anyone Else0