Which Graphics Card
HuhI just got a new pc and am trying to decided which graphics card to put into it. It is a slim tower pc and so that limits the choices a little. Here are the cards I am looking at Geforce 210 512mb DDR2 PCIe 2.0 or GeForce 8400 GS 512mb DDR2 PCIe 2.0 or is there a better choice that anyone would recommend. I'm leaning towards the 210.Huh
Get the 210.
It seems the 220 is better in deinterlacing 1080p.

See http://www.anandtech.com/show/2939/2
Case: Ahanix MCE301 Mainboard: M3N78-VM :CPU X2 4200 MHz SSD: 2x OCZ agility 30G Ram: 2G Remote: MS MCE. MSI Geforece 210 & Asrock 330 ION.

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