Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Weather HD

I am not sure that will be possible whit our XBMC .

What do you think of this :

I think it's really amazing.Shocked

It would be completely impractical but I don't see that it would be impossible.
You'd either have to write a plugin to render these image on the fly (much like the screensavers do) or prerender them and create hd videos for each.
For the 15 seconds at a time someone checks the weather the time and effort needed to accomplish something like this wouldn't really be worth it.
The processing power to smoothly render these on would be a bit much, not to mention the extra bandwidth if these were prerendered..
Would be good to have animated backdrops support.
This way, we could use animated weather backdrops, and that's it. Dunno if this is possible skin side.
Just use a multiimage control.

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Weather HD0