[Mod] Influence Logo Mod
Hi all. I really like the influence skin but I love the new logo design by McBorzu.

Thus, i modded the influence skin to include the logos on the 'Media Info' & 'Media Info 2' views for TV shows.

Also, please note that you will need a newer version of xbmc as there is no skin.xml included in this release.

Here is the DL link:


All of the credit for the influence mod goes to yarikiark and the logo mod goes to McBorzu. all I did was copy some lines of code.

Here is a screenshot:

By the way, if anyone wants to take a look at the relevant code to figure out how to get the logo's to become cached in the db so that xbmc doesn't have to access the drive everytime the image loads that would be ok with me :-)

I tried to figure it out from reading McBorzu's thread, but since I am pretty new to skinning, I couldn't get it to work.

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[Mod] Influence Logo Mod0