Different Way to backup db
Hi there,

i'm getting some serious headaches trying to figure out how to backup movie and music database.

I know there is the possibilty to export the db either in one file format oder seperate file format. The latter allowing fanart and other stuff.
I have all movies stored on my server. I'm accessing with a limited user account allowing read access. If i choose export to separate file structure i'm running into difficulty cause of limited user rights.

I'm wondering if the Export to one file is sufficient enough for me.

1. When exporting to one file for my movies collection i end up with 4 dirs and a file called videodb.xml. The exported files/folders are stored locally so i have no trouble with user rights.
Is that backup ok? Is it lacking important stuff? If so can i one-click download the missing items?

2. When exporting to one file for my music collection i end up with one xml file.
Basically same question as above: Is that backup alright or lacking important stuff?

In Appdata/.../Roaming/XBMC/... there are the following files: MyMusic7.db, MyVideos34.db. It's probably not a working backup solution to just copy & paste those to files after a new installation?

Is it really necessary to delete Appdata/.../Roaming/XBMC before a new installation?

A lot of questions i know. But they would really give me a clearer view on the possibilites of xbmc.

Thanks in advance.

Aside from the options in the GUI if you want to backup everything you can just copy your userdata folder

If you wanted to just backup your library including artwork you can just copy your Thumbnails and Database folder in userdata

As for updating XBMC think your find you can just install over your current version in any case you have the choice not to remove your userdata when you uninstall XBMC
Thanks for the answer.
I forgot about the Thumbnail dir. Sad

So for movies i backup the following: Appdata/.../XBMC/.../Database/MyVideos34.db and the dir Appdata/.../XBMC/.../Thumbsnails/Video

And for music i backup the following: Appdata/.../Database/MyMusic7.db and the dir Appdat/.../Thumbnails/Music

Thats correct?

1. Is missing video bookmarks I think, but that's about it.

2. Just exports information downloaded that isn't available in tags. It'll be missing playcounts and doesn't export thumbs or fanart as yet. Patches welcome.
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