Refresh movie posters
I have updated some of my movies posters, is there a way to refresh the videos so it updates the posters?

ive done the "refresh information" but i would have to do it for each movie, i want to refresh the entire library.

Delete the contents of this folder
Windows 7 - XBMC live Dualboot
Acer Aspire REVO R1600 - PS3 Remote
Nvidia ION LE 230
3GB Ram
wierd0n3 Wrote:[userdir]\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata\Thumbnails\Video

Delete the contents of this folder

did that then scanned for new content and it now says "thumbs not available"
ok i when i check the scan recursively it seems to just reload all the data from all the movies! dont see the point in that just want to refresh all the posters. need some help! surely theres a simple way to just refresh the posters.
The problem is xbmc currently doesn't know when you have changed the posters for movies and its not going to scan in thumbs when it already has them that's why your getting no thumbs now, deleting \Thumbnails\Video doesn't work like it does with fanart

If you don't want to refresh each movie then your going to have to delete your db and scan again
ok thought so, would be nice to have such a feature though.

i'll just have to reload the videos, suks since i have over 1500 movies atm!
Well you did want to 'refresh the entire library' anyway.

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