XBMC - noobie questions
Hi all
My first post here (I hope next time I will be helping and not asking for help)

I have installed XBMC on my Win7 OS and I have few problems:
1. How can I add to my home screen links/buttons for videos that are not movies or TV shows - like videos I made, my kids zone etc'. I have added the folders as sources and I can only get to them by switching off the library mode (obviously it can not be scraped). I tried several skins, but didn't find a way.
2. In my movies library every thing was scraped right but for some reason XBMC shows a snapshot from the movie and not the cover of the film (fanart is working fine). I used ember to download the info and save it as folder.jpg, <movie>.tbn etc', but it didn't help. In file mode I can see the cover and the fanart but not the description and flags.
3. some of my files (music) are tagged and named in Hebrew, but it displays blanks instead of the fonts (not squares). I tried to replace the arial font file in the XBMC and in the skins folder (copied from my windows font folder) but it didn't help.

Thanks in advance


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