Some questions about tweaking a AlaskaRevisited video library
Hi all,

I've just scanned my tvshows to the library, and chosen "landscape' view to view the shows. During the media scan, xbmc picked up thumbs for the show titles. However, it won't show them. It just shows the horizontal list of shows, but with white blanks where the thumbs should be. In case it was being dumb I hit 'show information' and selected 'thumb', sure enough, current thumb was selected, showing the graphic, but I decided to select it again just in case. I returned to the landscape list, but again, no images. (I also tried selecting a different thumb, made no difference). Why is this?

My second question: once you have clicked on a show, you're presented with "season 1, season 2" etc. The image which shows is the same image you picked for the show itself (the one in question 1 which I couldn't get to show up!) :-P Which is stretched and nasty when I am in "Files" view. Since the images are pulled from, am I able to make it fetch 'poster' thumbs for individual seasons? Or should I go ahead and do it myself?

Ok I just went ahead and downloaded poster style thumbs for a show, (one for Season1, and another for Season2). I hit 'i' on the season, chose thumb, navigated to the season folder (hassle!), and chose it (folder.jpg).
Im happy to see that it now set the season to show the correct thumb. But! - I now notice the rest of the seasons have the same image! (so all seasons are showing the "season3" graphic) Confused

What can I do here please? Is it possible to get it right? I'm willing to do some of the chores if xbmc/alaska can't do it, but I need to know how.

Looking forwaed to getting it all set up nice. cheers if you're able to help.
I personally use a program called Media Companion to manage my posters, fanart and movie/tv show nfo files. You can select banners or posters and download specific posters based on application (eg select from all the Season 3 posters only). I'm in no way affiliated with the program I just think it rocks. Ignore the main page because it's out of date currently. The authors been working on the program and it's all in his forums.
From the first post -

Combined Banner, Landscape and Poster support -
  • Have the scraper set to download Posters.

  • Download the Banner and Landscape images from TVdb and save them to each TV Show folder naming them banner.jpg and landscape.jpg respectively. I recommend resizing the landscape images to 408x230 to prevent slowdown.

  • If you need to change any of the images for whatever reason you'll need to delete userdata/Database/textures.db to force XBMC to re-cache them.

EDIT: For Seasons you need to use the context menu to set the season thumb.
Thumbs Up 
Thanks hitcher.

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Some questions about tweaking a AlaskaRevisited video library0