Xorg.conf Modelines
Does anyone have the technical specs for a Samsung PN58B850 PDP TV?

I would like to create modelines for it so that sdlmame and emulation will look as good as possible.

Any info with creating modelines would be helpful..

HTPC SPECS:Samsung Series 850 58" PDP
[email protected] (full Screen)
XBMCLive : 10.00
HDD: 500GB WD Blue MOBO:P5n7a-VM
GPU: Geforce 9300/nforce 730i/PCI/SSE2
MEMORY: 2 GIG 1066MHZ DDR3 (single)
CPU: Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.93GHz
The-Boxhead wrote a very intensive how-to guide on creating what you need to do, a simple search brought this up for me.

But for the lazy: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=54685
i used: cvt X Y refresh
[xbmc@htpc]$ cvt 1366 768 60
# 1368x768 59.88 Hz (CVT) hsync: 47.79 kHz; pclk: 85.25 MHz
Modeline "1368x768_60.00"   85.25  1368 1440 1576 1784  768 771 781 798 -hsync +vsync
Your using that modeline with a Samsung ?
Are you you only using that resolution for MAME?
HTPC SPECS:Samsung Series 850 58" PDP
[email protected] (full Screen)
XBMCLive : 10.00
HDD: 500GB WD Blue MOBO:P5n7a-VM
GPU: Geforce 9300/nforce 730i/PCI/SSE2
MEMORY: 2 GIG 1066MHZ DDR3 (single)
CPU: Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.93GHz
Sorry i didn't read the whole post, i thought it was just modeline for X. Sorry i don't use mame i only use xbmc for Video and LiveTV with VDR as backend. My TV is LG 42" @ 1366x768.
newb2linux Wrote:Does anyone have the technical specs for a Samsung PN58B850 PDP TV?

I would like to create modelines for it so that sdlmame and emulation will look as good as possible.

Any info with creating modelines would be helpful..


Anyone worked out the modelines for this screen yet ?

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