Zotac ZBOX HD-ND02-U XBMC install questions

I've been running XBMC on my original XBOX for several years and it's getting slower and slower because my library is getting so large. I'm also ready to step up to HD playback! I have a few questions before I get started.

I'm pretty sure that I will purchase the Zotac ZBOX HD-ND02-U to use as the basis of my system and install the XBMC Live version with Linux. If anyone else suggests a different system with features that I might not have considered, please do so. I then would like to add a SSD along with the necessary ram. Also, I would like to add the use of a remote control.

1) Can I use a remote control to power my XBMC system on and off? If so, can I use a Windows Media Center remote kit to control my XBMC through Linux? Would it be just as simple as plug and play?

2) There are several different SSD's out there. Just using my system for a HTPC running XBMC, would it make much of a difference pruchasing a OCZ Vertex vs OCZ Agility?

Thanks for any suggestions/ input. Big Grin
I am not sure on the remote thing as I just started looking into XBMC.

Hard drives - if you don't need to store anything on it then maybe look at this one - Patriot 32gb
there are some people on this forum that had bad experience with SSDs from OCZ. But there are also some that used OCZ and haven't reported any issues.

About the remote, you may start here. But if you are referring to sleep and wake, and other basic functions like navigating, i believe the WMC remote kit will do.
Yes there seemed to be issues with the controller card used with the OCZ - Sandforce but supposedly the recent firmware resolves that issue.

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