MKV files not displaying in file lists
Hi all,

I've got a bunch of MKV files , but I've just noticed that they are not showing up in my library.

Could there be anything I've missed? I'm connecting to my mac via UPNP. Everything else appears to there.


Kind regards

What UPnP server are you running?
vagabondking Wrote:What UPnP server are you running?

Playback 1.7.1
Have you checked your Playback config to see if it's serving MKV files? Do you have other UPnP devices that can see them? Not sure when OS you are running, but you could try a UPnP browser from your workstation to see if you can see the files that way. On linux djmount works great. I'm sure there something similar for Mac and Windows. Validate the source first, then check with XMBC.

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MKV files not displaying in file lists0