If and when 4.3 UT comes out.. Anyone know how to back up XBMC?
Hi everyone,

Like the title says once XBMC is supported for 4.3 and an untethered jailbreak is available for 4.3, how would one go about moving their XBMC settings over?

Because usually I always have to restore my iPhone to a vanilla version of the iOS and lose all my data (which I later restore via the backup feature on iTunes). Last thing I want to do is set all my custom skins, settings, and scrapers all over again.

Maybe I'm missing something here. Please feel free to respond and input some ideas. Thanks!
I think you'll just need to get your userdata folder from the ATV2, then rejailbreak after the update, reinstall XBMC then dump your userdata folder back onto it.

you can use winscp to copy files to/from the ATV2
the user data directory is here

Ooo didn't know that. Thanks for the input!
Ever tried the seach funtion?

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If and when 4.3 UT comes out.. Anyone know how to back up XBMC?0