wasapi change to direct sound
Hi I have been looking for solution to this but only found other people with same problem.

Hope someone can help here

Using Yamaha AV Receiver

With Projector and TV plugged into Receiver.

If I watch something through my TV using KODI then restart Computer to watch something through Projector Using Kodi The Sound Goes from wasapi to directsound.

Any Way Of Getting it to remember to stay on wasapi hdmi

Do I just change everytime I load kodi no big deal or dont use kodi through tv.

yamaha RX-V777
BenQ w1070
samsung ue55nu7100

Windows Audio Session API or (WASAPI) and manages audio to the endpoint device. Windows audio (wiki) FTW: Kodi uses WASAPI only in the Exclusive Mode of operation in order that Kodi gets the exclusive rights to the audio buffers whilst playing audio streams to the exclusion of all other sounds or players. Exclusive means, that you can't split the audio into two, and your hardware configuration is set (might have something to do with HDCP), although if you have two AVR outputs, somewhere in the AVR should be an option to flip between the two ports. From the Kodi perspective, I see no easy way to automatically change the set-up. Because the settings are saved in the guisettings.xml you might be able to use some batch file to insert a saved guisetting.xml re-start with the new settings.

There may be some sort of add-on that handles this or work-around.
You you grab a log_file (wiki) from when you are watching on the TV and another when you are watching on the projector.
thanks trying to understand its complicated doing some more research.

Would of thought that their were many other users in the same predicament as me.

Av Receiver with two hdmi outputs. One for TV and other for Projector.

Thought this was a perfect setup upgraded to this receiver because had problems with splitters using old receiver.

But Even if I dont figure it out having to check the audio settings everytime its no problem.

The Kodi software is amazing been using it since the original xbox xbmc Smile
yamaha RX-V777
BenQ w1070
samsung ue55nu7100

I’m not sure if this approach will work with two displays but it may be worth a cursory look.

First set Kodi to your desired WASAPI output. Next, go to the userdata folder and open the guisettings.xml using Wordpad and find the audiooutput command lines. They will look something like this:



Make a note of the code in the curly brackets whichever audio mode you interested in.

Now do the same for the other display. Has the code changed? If yes, then it’s a non-starter.

If the code remains the same, then the following strategy might be of use:

WASAPI mode using advanced settings
The "Audio Profiles" Add-on may allow you to do what you want? I use it to set up 2 different sound profiles one for my receiver to watch movies/play music and another for sound via HDMI through the TV (when watching live TV) also able to map a button on the remote so it's easier to change...

I may have go the wrong end of the stick though!?
(2016-11-18, 16:40)MadScientist Wrote: I’m not sure if this approach will work with two displays but it may be worth a cursory look.

First set Kodi to your desired WASAPI output. Next, go to the userdata folder and open the guisettings.xml using Wordpad and find the audiooutput command lines. They will look something like this:



Make a note of the code in the curly brackets whichever audio mode you interested in.

Now do the same for the other display. Has the code changed? If yes, then it’s a non-starter.

If the code remains the same, then the following strategy might be of use:

WASAPI mode using advanced settings

That's exactly what I was thinking and why I requested the log file when the TV is in use and a log file when the projector is in use in order to see if the device names change at all.
i am using the mvc 3d build of kodi and the addons for the easy log file do not work as addons not working correctly in the build.

I had a read of the logfile/advanced and will give this a try in the next few days just trying to understand it. :-) will try be great if can solve it.
yamaha RX-V777
BenQ w1070
samsung ue55nu7100


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