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Release XBMC LCDproc Python addon
(2013-06-14, 10:12)herrnst Wrote:
(2013-06-14, 09:53)delinend Wrote: This here Works okay !!!
      <line>* $INFO[LCD.PlayIcon] *</line>

And this dos NOT Work !!
      <line>* $INFO[LCD.PlayIcon] *</line>
So with the progress bar at line 1 it works, and at line 2 it doesn't? BTW, the PlayIcon always at the left is expected and intentional.

(2013-06-14, 09:53)delinend Wrote: And here my advancedsettings.xml
  <rows>2</rows>           <!-- Number of rows to use for the LCD. -->
  <columns>20</columns>    <!-- Number of columns to use for the LCD. -->
  <address1>0</address1>   <!-- Memory address for row 1. -->
  <address2>20</address2>  <!-- Memory address for row 2. -->
  <heartbeat>false</heartbeat> <!-- Enables LCDprocs heartbeat symbol. Defaults to false. -->
I have tryed to remove the <address1> and <address2> tag's, but no luke.
Those options don't have any effect anyway - you can safely leave out the "rows/columns/address*" lines. The dimonscreensave is missing an "r" at the end, and only recognises "music" or "video" as keywords (comma-separated).

For the bar issue, you can try adding
to your LCD.xml.

Okay.. I now have removed ALL <lcd> tag's, from advancedsettings.xml. But no luke..
Allso tryet to set the <progressbarsurroundings>off</progressbarsurroundings> in LCD.xml. But no luke.

Here is my last test, with more options, in the lines. I only can get it to Work, is when I allways put the Progressbar in line #1.

This here Works great:


And this here fails (no Progressbar running) Undecided


Best regards.
(2013-06-14, 10:46)delinend Wrote: Here is my last test, with more options, in the lines. I only can get it to Work, is when I allways put the Progressbar in line #1.

This here Works great:
I'll recheck (only possible with my SoundGraph display though, as explained above) if anything in the rendering code might cause this (e.g. widgets not drawn correctly). Any feedback from other script.xbmc.lcdproc users driving a HD44780-display (or any other) regarding such an issue would be very welcome!

Leia+VAAPI+HD-Audio+LCDproc addon,TVHeadend-master/DVB-C/T2+pvr.tvh addon on Ubuntu 18.04 (amd64)
(2013-06-14, 14:04)herrnst Wrote:
(2013-06-14, 10:46)delinend Wrote: Here is my last test, with more options, in the lines. I only can get it to Work, is when I allways put the Progressbar in line #1.

This here Works great:
I'll recheck (only possible with my SoundGraph display though, as explained above) if anything in the rendering code might cause this (e.g. widgets not drawn correctly). Any feedback from other script.xbmc.lcdproc users driving a HD44780-display (or any other) regarding such an issue would be very welcome!


Thanks nst.

I just tryed to make an fresh install, of a Raspbmc, to test the problem there.

* Installed Raspbmc via Network installation (XBMC 12.2 Git:20130502-32b1a5e)
* Installed manuel Lcdproc via APT (lcdproc 0.5.5-2)
* Installed XBMC lcdproc addon (2.2.1)

And I see the same problem, as with OpenElec 3.0.5.

If the Progressbar is on line #2, and Playicon on line #1, the Progressbar is not working. Do I swoop them around (Progressbar on line #1) all works perfect.

Best regards
(2013-06-14, 15:47)delinend Wrote: If the Progressbar is on line #2, and Playicon on line #1, the Progressbar is not working. Do I swoop them around (Progressbar on line #1) all works perfect.
I've now checked this with my iMON, and the xosd driver (which only does very basic text display), on both variants it works flawless (the iMON is driven by Ubuntu 12.04 64bit and LCDproc 0.5.5-2, the xosd runs with LCDproc 0.5.6 on Gentoo amd64).

Please try the following (assuming there's a telnet client installed on the Pi):

- Deactivate the LCDproc addon inside XBMC, or simply stop XBMC entirely, so you see the startup/server screen on the display
- Log in to your RPi via SSH
- Exec "telnet localhost 13666" - this will connect to LCDproc / open a LCDproc shell
- Simply Copy/Paste this command list (make sure there's an empty line at the end of the list, or just press return after the last command). This does the same the addon would do.
- Normally, you should see a play icon with a timestamp in line1, and a ca. 60% filled progress bar in line2, surrounded by brackets.

If you don't see the bar, try leaving out the second-last line
widget_set xbmc lineScroller2 1 2 20 2 m 1 "[                  ]"
and check again. If you now see the bar, I can put an option providing a simple fix for this in the addon.

Leia+VAAPI+HD-Audio+LCDproc addon,TVHeadend-master/DVB-C/T2+pvr.tvh addon on Ubuntu 18.04 (amd64)
(2013-06-14, 23:58)herrnst Wrote:
(2013-06-14, 15:47)delinend Wrote: If the Progressbar is on line #2, and Playicon on line #1, the Progressbar is not working. Do I swoop them around (Progressbar on line #1) all works perfect.
I've now checked this with my iMON, and the xosd driver (which only does very basic text display), on both variants it works flawless (the iMON is driven by Ubuntu 12.04 64bit and LCDproc 0.5.5-2, the xosd runs with LCDproc 0.5.6 on Gentoo amd64).

Please try the following (assuming there's a telnet client installed on the Pi):

- Deactivate the LCDproc addon inside XBMC, or simply stop XBMC entirely, so you see the startup/server screen on the display
- Log in to your RPi via SSH
- Exec "telnet localhost 13666" - this will connect to LCDproc / open a LCDproc shell
- Simply Copy/Paste this command list (make sure there's an empty line at the end of the list, or just press return after the last command). This does the same the addon would do.
- Normally, you should see a play icon with a timestamp in line1, and a ca. 60% filled progress bar in line2, surrounded by brackets.

If you don't see the bar, try leaving out the second-last line
widget_set xbmc lineScroller2 1 2 20 2 m 1 "[                  ]"
and check again. If you now see the bar, I can put an option providing a simple fix for this in the addon.


Hi nst.

I have now tryes your Telnet test. And I can't see any Progressbar on this, even I remove the second-last line Rolleyes

Test 1, with all lines:

Output from test 1:
pi@raspbmc:~$ telnet localhost 13666
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
screen_add xbmc
screen_set xbmc -priority info
screen_set xbmc -heartbeat off
widget_add xbmc lineScroller1 scroller
widget_add xbmc lineProgress1 hbar
widget_set xbmc lineProgress1 0 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineIcon1 icon
widget_set xbmc lineIcon1 0 0 BLOCK_FILLED
widget_add xbmc lineScroller2 scroller
widget_add xbmc lineProgress2 hbar
connect LCDproc 0.5.5 protocol 0.3 lcd wid 20 hgt 2 cellwid 5 cellhgt 8

widget_set xbmc lineProgress2 0 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineIcon2 icon
widget_set xbmc lineIcon2 0 0 BLOCK_FILLED
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit1 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit1 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit2 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit2 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit3 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit3 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit4 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit4 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit5 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit5 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit6 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit6 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit7 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit7 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit8 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit8 0 0
widget_set xbmc lineIcon1 0 0 BLOCK_FILLED
widget_set xbmc lineProgress1 0 0 0
widget_set xbmc lineScroller1 1 1 20 1 m 1 ""
widget_set xbmc lineScroller1 3 1 20 1 m 1 "00\:40\:28"
widget_set xbmc lineIcon1 1 1 PLAY
widget_set xbmc lineIcon2 0 0 BLOCK_FILLED
widget_set xbmc lineProgress2 0 0 0
widget_set xbmc lineScroller2 1 2 20 2 m 1 ""
widget_set xbmc lineScroller2 1 2 20 2 m 1 "[                  ]"
widget_set xbmc lineProgress2 2 2 50success
listen xbmc

Test 2, with second-last line removed:

Output from test 2:
pi@raspbmc:~$ telnet localhost 13666
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
connect LCDproc 0.5.5 protocol 0.3 lcd wid 20 hgt 2 cellwid 5 cellhgt 8
screen_add xbmc
screen_set xbmc -priority info
screen_set xbmc -heartbeat off
widget_add xbmc lineScroller1 scroller
widget_add xbmc lineProgress1 hbar
widget_set xbmc lineProgress1 0 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineIcon1 icon
widget_set xbmc lineIcon1 0 0 BLOCK_FILLED
widget_add xbmc lineScroller2 scroller
widget_add xbmc lineProgress2 hbar
widget_set xbmc lineProgress2 0 0 0

widget_add xbmc lineIcon2 icon
widget_set xbmc lineIcon2 0 0 BLOCK_FILLED
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit1 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit1 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit2 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit2 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit3 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit3 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit4 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit4 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit5 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit5 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit6 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit6 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit7 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit7 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit8 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit8 0 0
widget_set xbmc lineIcon1 0 0 BLOCK_FILLED
widget_set xbmc lineProgress1 0 0 0
widget_set xbmc lineScroller1 1 1 20 1 m 1 ""
widget_set xbmc lineScroller1 3 1 20 1 m 1 "00\:40\:28"
listen xbmc
widget_set xbmc lineIcon1 1 1 PLAY
widget_set xbmc lineIcon2 0 0 BLOCK_FILLED
widget_set xbmc lineProgress2 0 0 0
widget_set xbmc lineScroller2 1 2 20 2 m 1 ""
widget_set xbmc lineProgress2 2 2 50success

Hmm.. It's very strange ... Undecided

Anything else I can try ?

Thanks for you help.

Best regards.
(2013-06-15, 12:02)delinend Wrote: I have now tryes your Telnet test. And I can't see any Progressbar on this, even I remove the second-last line Rolleyes
(2013-06-15, 12:02)delinend Wrote: Anything else I can try ?
I somewhat expected that to happen. If you can double-check your display with another connection type besides RPi+GPIO (e.g. by hooking it up to a PC), you could check if this is related to the LCDproc driver or the hardware itself. As it seems to be related to LCDproc, it's drivers or even something else, I guess there's nothing that can be done on the addon side to fix this - also we really need feedback from other HD44780 users here.

Leia+VAAPI+HD-Audio+LCDproc addon,TVHeadend-master/DVB-C/T2+pvr.tvh addon on Ubuntu 18.04 (amd64)
(2013-06-15, 12:34)herrnst Wrote:
(2013-06-15, 12:02)delinend Wrote: I have now tryes your Telnet test. And I can't see any Progressbar on this, even I remove the second-last line Rolleyes
(2013-06-15, 12:02)delinend Wrote: Anything else I can try ?
I somewhat expected that to happen. If you can double-check your display with another connection type besides RPi+GPIO (e.g. by hooking it up to a PC), you could check if this is related to the LCDproc driver or the hardware itself. As it seems to be related to LCDproc, it's drivers or even something else, I guess there's nothing that can be done on the addon side to fix this - also we really need feedback from other HD44780 users here.


Hi nst.

Okay... Here some new test.

I have now installed Linux on an old Laptop:
* Debian 32bit 6.0.7
* LCDproc version 0.5.2-5 (this is older that on the Raspberry, that had 0.5.5-2) "sudo apt-get install lcdproc"
* Setup the hd44780 driver
* Setup 4-bit connection, for the LPT port (0x378).
* Solder an interface, LPT -> GPIO connector.

And...... Sorry... Same result as on the Raspberry Sad
Also when I remove the second-last line, in your Telnet script. Now it's not an Hardware problem..

Can there be a problem in your Telnet script. I can't manage to see how it Works??


Best regards
(2013-06-15, 16:02)delinend Wrote: And...... Sorry... Same result as on the Raspberry Sad
Also when I remove the second-last line, in your Telnet script. Now it's not an Hardware problem..
Well, the exact telnet script (without line removal, and adjusted for 16x2) produces this on my iMON:

Another thing you can try is the telnet cmdlist, and instead of removing the mentioned line, replace it with these two lines:
widget_del xbmc lineScroller2
widget_del xbmc lineIcon2
To make sure the last command gets executed, append - at the end! - another line with
The last output you should get then is "noop complete".

I suspect the result will still be the same, so either LCDproc+HD44780 is playing some perfide game when using hbar's on line 2, combined with an icon widget in line1 (not enough custom characters? Did you try to remove the LCD.PlayIcon label from line1 while keeping the progressbar in line2?), or your display has some problems displaying multiple custom chars in the second line.

I'm sorry I cannot give any definitive hint or answer (or any real help at all) on this... If it worked with the "old" internal LCDproc support code before, I guess the only way to "fix" this is to restore that behaviour or at least make it configurable wether to use the current widget way OR the old custom-character-drawing way, but that probably needs a greater refactor of some bigger parts of script.xbmc.lcdproc.

Leia+VAAPI+HD-Audio+LCDproc addon,TVHeadend-master/DVB-C/T2+pvr.tvh addon on Ubuntu 18.04 (amd64)
(2013-06-15, 17:12)herrnst Wrote:
(2013-06-15, 16:02)delinend Wrote: And...... Sorry... Same result as on the Raspberry Sad
Also when I remove the second-last line, in your Telnet script. Now it's not an Hardware problem..
Well, the exact telnet script (without line removal, and adjusted for 16x2) produces this on my iMON:

Another thing you can try is the telnet cmdlist, and instead of removing the mentioned line, replace it with these two lines:
widget_del xbmc lineScroller2
widget_del xbmc lineIcon2
To make sure the last command gets executed, append - at the end! - another line with
The last output you should get then is "noop complete".

I suspect the result will still be the same, so either LCDproc+HD44780 is playing some perfide game when using hbar's on line 2, combined with an icon widget in line1 (not enough custom characters? Did you try to remove the LCD.PlayIcon label from line1 while keeping the progressbar in line2?), or your display has some problems displaying multiple custom chars in the second line.

I'm sorry I cannot give any definitive hint or answer (or any real help at all) on this... If it worked with the "old" internal LCDproc support code before, I guess the only way to "fix" this is to restore that behaviour or at least make it configurable wether to use the current widget way OR the old custom-character-drawing way, but that probably needs a greater refactor of some bigger parts of script.xbmc.lcdproc.


Wow !! Yes.. now something happens Blush


Used this Telnet script as you said:
screen_add xbmc
screen_set xbmc -priority info
screen_set xbmc -heartbeat off
widget_add xbmc lineScroller1 scroller
widget_add xbmc lineProgress1 hbar
widget_set xbmc lineProgress1 0 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineIcon1 icon
widget_set xbmc lineIcon1 0 0 BLOCK_FILLED
widget_add xbmc lineScroller2 scroller
widget_add xbmc lineProgress2 hbar
widget_set xbmc lineProgress2 0 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineIcon2 icon
widget_set xbmc lineIcon2 0 0 BLOCK_FILLED
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit1 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit1 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit2 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit2 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit3 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit3 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit4 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit4 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit5 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit5 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit6 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit6 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit7 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit7 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit8 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit8 0 0
widget_set xbmc lineIcon1 0 0 BLOCK_FILLED
widget_set xbmc lineProgress1 0 0 0
widget_set xbmc lineScroller1 1 1 20 1 m 1 ""
widget_set xbmc lineScroller1 3 1 20 1 m 1 "00\:40\:28"
widget_set xbmc lineIcon1 1 1 PLAY
widget_set xbmc lineIcon2 0 0 BLOCK_FILLED
widget_set xbmc lineProgress2 0 0 0
widget_set xbmc lineScroller2 1 2 20 2 m 1 ""
widget_del xbmc lineScroller2
widget_del xbmc lineIcon2
widget_set xbmc lineProgress2 2 2 50


Just found out, that your first script Works fine, if I add "NOOP" at the end Big Grin
screen_add xbmc
screen_set xbmc -priority info
screen_set xbmc -heartbeat off
widget_add xbmc lineScroller1 scroller
widget_add xbmc lineProgress1 hbar
widget_set xbmc lineProgress1 0 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineIcon1 icon
widget_set xbmc lineIcon1 0 0 BLOCK_FILLED
widget_add xbmc lineScroller2 scroller
widget_add xbmc lineProgress2 hbar
widget_set xbmc lineProgress2 0 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineIcon2 icon
widget_set xbmc lineIcon2 0 0 BLOCK_FILLED
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit1 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit1 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit2 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit2 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit3 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit3 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit4 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit4 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit5 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit5 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit6 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit6 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit7 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit7 0 0
widget_add xbmc lineBigDigit8 num
widget_set xbmc lineBigDigit8 0 0
widget_set xbmc lineIcon1 0 0 BLOCK_FILLED
widget_set xbmc lineProgress1 0 0 0
widget_set xbmc lineScroller1 1 1 20 1 m 1 ""
widget_set xbmc lineScroller1 3 1 20 1 m 1 "00\:40\:28"
widget_set xbmc lineIcon1 1 1 PLAY
widget_set xbmc lineIcon2 0 0 BLOCK_FILLED
widget_set xbmc lineProgress2 0 0 0
widget_set xbmc lineScroller2 1 2 20 2 m 1 ""
widget_set xbmc lineScroller2 1 2 20 2 m 1 "[                  ]"
widget_set xbmc lineProgress2 2 2 50
(2013-06-15, 17:28)delinend Wrote: Just found out, that your first script Works fine, if I add "NOOP" at the end Big Grin
Great, at least that saved the refactor for now Wink

I suspect this is still with your laptop? What about the RPi with the added noop?
Leia+VAAPI+HD-Audio+LCDproc addon,TVHeadend-master/DVB-C/T2+pvr.tvh addon on Ubuntu 18.04 (amd64)
(2013-06-15, 17:37)herrnst Wrote:
(2013-06-15, 17:28)delinend Wrote: Just found out, that your first script Works fine, if I add "NOOP" at the end Big Grin
Great, at least that saved the refactor for now Wink

I suspect this is still with your laptop? What about the RPi with the added noop?

Arrr... Not working on Pi Sad

Pi: LCDproc = 0.5.5-2
Laptop: LCDproc ) 0.5.2-5

I will try tomorow, to update my LCDproc on the Laptop, to same version. Hmm.. I'm not god at compiling..

What version do you use ?
(2013-06-15, 18:39)delinend Wrote: Arrr... Not working on Pi Sad
... the telnet-way, (EDIT): And with added "noop" and "noop complete" reply (/EDIT), I guess.

(2013-06-15, 18:39)delinend Wrote: Pi: LCDproc = 0.5.5-2
Laptop: LCDproc ) 0.5.2-5

I will try tomorow, to update my LCDproc on the Laptop, to same version. Hmm.. I'm not god at compiling..
You might save the hassle if an OS-reinstall is an option: Just install Ubuntu 12.04 Precise, it ships 0.5.5-2. Or, if you prefer "vanilla" debian, upgrade to Wheezy.

(2013-06-15, 18:39)delinend Wrote: What version do you use ?
(2013-06-14, 23:58)herrnst Wrote: ... (the iMON is driven by Ubuntu 12.04 64bit and LCDproc 0.5.5-2, the xosd runs with LCDproc 0.5.6 on Gentoo amd64).

BTW, if you're a bit adventurous, you can try to install the latest GIT master version of the addon (download via https://github.com/herrnst/script.xbmc.l...master.zip, then use "Install from ZIP file"). There's an improvement in the way data is sent to LCDproc (besides a great deal of additions regarding non-ascii character handling), it _might_ have an effect on your issue. If in doubt, remember to backup Wink

Leia+VAAPI+HD-Audio+LCDproc addon,TVHeadend-master/DVB-C/T2+pvr.tvh addon on Ubuntu 18.04 (amd64)
(2013-06-15, 18:56)herrnst Wrote:
(2013-06-15, 18:39)delinend Wrote: Arrr... Not working on Pi Sad
... the telnet-way, (EDIT): And with added "noop" and "noop complete" reply (/EDIT), I guess.

(2013-06-15, 18:39)delinend Wrote: Pi: LCDproc = 0.5.5-2
Laptop: LCDproc ) 0.5.2-5

I will try tomorow, to update my LCDproc on the Laptop, to same version. Hmm.. I'm not god at compiling..
You might save the hassle if an OS-reinstall is an option: Just install Ubuntu 12.04 Precise, it ships 0.5.5-2. Or, if you prefer "vanilla" debian, upgrade to Wheezy.

(2013-06-15, 18:39)delinend Wrote: What version do you use ?
(2013-06-14, 23:58)herrnst Wrote: ... (the iMON is driven by Ubuntu 12.04 64bit and LCDproc 0.5.5-2, the xosd runs with LCDproc 0.5.6 on Gentoo amd64).

BTW, if you're a bit adventurous, you can try to install the latest GIT master version of the addon (download via https://github.com/herrnst/script.xbmc.l...master.zip, then use "Install from ZIP file"). There's an improvement in the way data is sent to LCDproc (besides a great deal of additions regarding non-ascii character handling), it _might_ have an effect on your issue. If in doubt, remember to backup Wink


Hi nst.

Today's test...

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on Laptop and all works okay, with XBMC.lcdproc 2.2.1 and LCDproc 0.5.5-2.

Have now tryed you new 2.3.0 on my Pi (with LCDproc 0.5.5-2) and still see the problem, if I put the Progressbar in line #2... Hmmm..
I'm thinking, that maybe the the problem is, that the "hd44780.so" driver I use, is comming from LCDproc 0.5.7 release (the only one, that has Pi/GPIO support).

I have not compliced to compile my one LCDproc (nightly 0.5.7), so that the LCDd and hd44780.so fits together.
Have tryed to compile many times, but have no luke to get it working Sad

Maybe we just must wait, until 0.5.7 is in official release, and then test again ? I can fine get you addon to work on my Pi, if I remember allways to put the Progressbar in line #1 Smile

Btw. What is Alternative Chars in the hd44780 settings, with ROM A00 and A02 ? Can it be used to show Danish char's ? Like "æøåÆØÅ" ?

Best regards.
(2013-06-16, 17:26)delinend Wrote: Maybe we just must wait, until 0.5.7 is in official release, and then test again ? I can fine get you addon to work on my Pi, if I remember allways to put the Progressbar in line #1 Smile
Guess that's the best bet for now - wait until 0.5.7 is finalized and shipped. Maybe I manage to get another Pi plus some HD44780 display at some time and play abit with that.

(2013-06-16, 17:26)delinend Wrote: Btw. What is Alternative Chars in the hd44780 settings, with ROM A00 and A02 ? Can it be used to show Danish char's ? Like "æøåÆØÅ" ?
On this website, there are two images (scroll down a bit) showing the chars from A00 and A02 mapping. You're best off if you have a display with an A02 ROM (don't know if this is changeable), but for the chars you mentioned even that charset probably won't be of greatest help though Wink Recommendation: Configure LCDproc to use the ISO8859-1 charmap (danish chars are defined in that map) and tell script.xbmc.lcdproc to use either 8859-1 or 8859-15, that's probably the best you can get out of the display.

The A00 and A02 maps are intended for users needing cyrillic chars. You can configure LCDproc to don't use any specific charset mapping, and tell the addon to use A00 or A02 (whichever the display has inbuilt), then you get e.g. cyrillic output without the need to recompile LCDproc with the EXTRA_CHARMAPS define.

Leia+VAAPI+HD-Audio+LCDproc addon,TVHeadend-master/DVB-C/T2+pvr.tvh addon on Ubuntu 18.04 (amd64)
@herrnst - ask for test equipment (pi, HD44780 - whatever else makes sense) in the internal forums. Foundation will pay those for you ... (or talk to jmarshall if you see him on irc).
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XBMC LCDproc Python addon2