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Zap2xml for ATSC in OpenELEC
Yes - I believe the issue you are seeing is due to the hard drive format. If it was formatted in Windows 10 there have been issues where LE will not mount the NFTS drive as writeable. I think it has something to do with the included drivers.

If you don't have anything on it yet - I would reformat it from the pi. You can do that over ssh: http://www.wetekforums.com/v/index.php?p...n-openelec

You could also connect over ssh into the pi - and try to change permissions or create a new folder. That should set the user rights correctly.

In the meantime - if you want to test recording to the internal drive - change the recording location to something like /storage/recordings

Once you change to the internal storage - see if the tvh2kodi addon works for the dvr configuration.
Current Kodi addon projects: zap2epg, sd4tvh and tvh2kodi (tvh config from inside Kodi)
Testing ATSC single and dual tuners on RPi3 and the occasional s905 box
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I tried your suggestions:

Setting the recording location to /storage/recordings/ did in fact work. With the recording location set to that the recording functionality works. Sadly, whatever is wrong with your addon was still not working with the recording location set to the internal drive.

Either way, I reformatted my hard drive to ext4, and while the program is still a little picky about recording locations, it is working now.

I went ahead and purchased the MPEG-2 license, as well as the VC-1. I'm not sure if I'll need that, but it was cheap so why not. I know SSH well enough to edit the config file for that, so when those come in I'll get that plugged in.

Thank you so much for all of your help!!
Great - I'd love to get another copy of your kodi.log right after you get the error when trying to load the dvr configuration in my addon. I assume the other functions in the addon are working?
Current Kodi addon projects: zap2epg, sd4tvh and tvh2kodi (tvh config from inside Kodi)
Testing ATSC single and dual tuners on RPi3 and the occasional s905 box
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Actually no, last I tried every function in the addon was throwing that error. I will try to see if I can get the log.
I just pulled another log. You can find it here. Let me know if that didn't capture it, and we can try to figure out why. If you need any of the other logs let me know as well.


OK thanks-

I see a user access error to the tvheadend system. Can I ask if you setup a user profile in Tvheadend or did you just leave the default setup when you installed?

Are you able to use the kodi tv functions? (did you install the tvheadend pvr client?)

And finally - just to make sure - do the other functions in my addon work for you?
Current Kodi addon projects: zap2epg, sd4tvh and tvh2kodi (tvh config from inside Kodi)
Testing ATSC single and dual tuners on RPi3 and the occasional s905 box
If you like my work you can buy me a coffee!
You're welcome. I bet that is it. I do have a administrator profile setup with a username and password. That is probably why the addon isn't working.

I've been planning on setting up a user profile (Haven't set that up yet) what username and password does your addon use, or how can I change the username and password the addon pushes?
I didn't originally add support for users/admin passwords as it was designed for simple setup. However, it should be something I can add in. Might be able to look at it later today and then maybe you can test it.

Current Kodi addon projects: zap2epg, sd4tvh and tvh2kodi (tvh config from inside Kodi)
Testing ATSC single and dual tuners on RPi3 and the occasional s905 box
If you like my work you can buy me a coffee!
That works for me! Smile
Since we're discussing the tvh2kodi addon - I'm going to move over there to continue its troubleshooting. I've posted a test version that should handle adding a tvheadend username/password in the settings.
Current Kodi addon projects: zap2epg, sd4tvh and tvh2kodi (tvh config from inside Kodi)
Testing ATSC single and dual tuners on RPi3 and the occasional s905 box
If you like my work you can buy me a coffee!
Using zap2xml v0.7.1 under LibreElec 8.0.2 with TVheadend 4.2.2-32 (addon on a Raspberry Pi 3, using a HDHomeRun Connect Tuner.

Although I had success with my Zap2it Account, with my TV Guide Account the script is not working (no Channels for Mapping and no EPG Data being retrieved)!

After a few seconds the script exits with the following message:

error<type 'exceptions.ValueError'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.zap2xml/zap2xml.py", line 2143, in <module>
File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.zap2xml/zap2xml.py", line 2111, in main
File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.zap2xml/zap2xml.py", line 1292, in printChannels
for key in sorted( stations, cmp=sortChan):
File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.zap2xml/zap2xml.py", line 1228, in sortChan
tmp = float(stations[a]["order"]) - float(stations[b]["order"])
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 15.1M

Within TV Guide's Listings for my Area there are three Channel Listings which include a Single Trailing Letter (11.1S, 15.1M & 30.1S), where 15.1M is one of my Favorites.
If I remove Channel 15.1M from my Favorites the Exception does not occur, the balance of my Favorites then have EPG Sources which can be mapped
and lastly EPG Listings are retrieved for the balance of my Favorites!

Might zap2xml.py be enhanced so that it can handle these Trailing Letters contained within TV Guide's Listings?
This can probably be dealt with. That part of the script was built from FastEddyCurrent's build - which in turn was interpreted from the original zap2xml perl script.

I'll have to dig into that one to take a look - it's been awhile since I've worked on that. It's probably not even relevant to sort the order of the channels in the xmltv file - so maybe I'll just hash that part out and let you see if that works. In the meantime - see if this version works for you. It may not work - but it's worth a shot.


I added a function to strip out special characters. (There's likely something not reading right in that channel name.)
Current Kodi addon projects: zap2epg, sd4tvh and tvh2kodi (tvh config from inside Kodi)
Testing ATSC single and dual tuners on RPi3 and the occasional s905 box
If you like my work you can buy me a coffee!
(2017-07-26, 01:56)edit4ever Wrote: This can probably be dealt with. That part of the script was built from FastEddyCurrent's build - which in turn was interpreted from the original zap2xml perl script.

I'll have to dig into that one to take a look - it's been awhile since I've worked on that. It's probably not even relevant to sort the order of the channels in the xmltv file - so maybe I'll just hash that part out and let you see if that works. In the meantime - see if this version works for you. It may not work - but it's worth a shot.


I added a function to strip out special characters. (There's likely something not reading right in that channel name.)

With v0.7.2 zap2xml, zap2xml no longer appears within the list of EPG Grabbers and therefore can not be enabled. Consequently there are no EPG Sources and therefore no EPG Data being retrieved.

Here is what the 15.1M Entry looks like on TV Guide's Listing, with a 'M' trailing directly behind the '15.1', preventing zap2xml.py from converting '15.1M' to a Float Value:

Go ahead and reinstall v0.7.1 to get your grabber back. Not sure what happened there - likely a permissions/executable issue.

Then drop this replacement zap2xml.py file into your .kodi/addons/script.module.zap2xml folder:


It should drop the letters when sorting.
Current Kodi addon projects: zap2epg, sd4tvh and tvh2kodi (tvh config from inside Kodi)
Testing ATSC single and dual tuners on RPi3 and the occasional s905 box
If you like my work you can buy me a coffee!
(2017-07-26, 16:04)edit4ever Wrote: Go ahead and reinstall v0.7.1 to get your grabber back. Not sure what happened there - likely a permissions/executable issue.

Then drop this replacement zap2xml.py file into your .kodi/addons/script.module.zap2xml folder:


It should drop the letters when sorting.

Although your re.findall Regex Code does drop the trailing letters and therefore there are no invalid float values for the sort...

The number of channels remains unchanged and Channel 15.1M does not appear within the EPG!!!
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Zap2xml for ATSC in OpenELEC4