the screen is more important than the beamer Smile High Contrast is the name of the game

only exception when screen is less important is when the room is 100% dark including dark walls and ceiling, otherwise High Contrast Screen is very much needed
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with a screen I have no cinema feeling...cause, picture a lot too small

indeed, the contrast beside other picture things is very important...
also on contrast there are a lot of differences between all the beamers...
with a very cheap beamer it isn't possible

again, as I already said before: if you can't darken your homecinema, black parts
of the picture and the contrast is gone...
well i can darken it to a degree... not too much which is why i was leaning towards epson 6000/9000... but any input much appreciated.

gaming/xbmc in 3D 100'' would be...
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Sorry to reserect an old post. I am thinking of buying a projector. I have heard some really good things about the android projector (4500 lumens) from my mate who bought one from NZ website . Has anyone got any experience with these??

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