Req <mousemove>noop</mousemove> should hide the mouse cursor
yep I've tried that. by the sounds of it they're working on touch screen which is great to hear. I might just have to wait for touch screen full support. it will probably resolve this issue. cheers
I found a solution on the net somewhere about this. just remove the icon from the skin. im using the re-touched skin so I navigated to the directory in C:\Users\xbmc\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\16x9 and modified the pointer.xml file. just had to replace the pointer-focus.png with - and that's it. very happy. works a treat. your mouse is invisible now of course but perfect for touch screens.
I've got an Android air mouse which works great with XBMC alpha 7

The left, right, up and down buttons are working perfectly, but with every move of the air mouse the cursor is moving over the screen :-)
I've tried to replace the cursor with an empty image but I can't find the confluence skin path in Android ... ?
Does anybody know how to solve this?
Should <mousemove>Noop</mousemove> hide the mouse pointer?

Thanks in advance
@freakn: moving the mouse displays the cursor even when you have the <mousemove> action mapped to noop.

You could try asking in the Android forum where the cursor image is ...
Ok, thank you for the reply jhsrennie.
I will search and or ask the Android forum
(2013-09-27, 09:48)jhsrennie Wrote: moving the mouse displays the cursor even when you have the <mousemove> action mapped to noop.

@jhsrennie: Could you try to explain how that cursor displaying happens when mouse actions are mapped to noop? What's your keymap.xml and what do you do when that happens? I could take a peek and try to fix it.

I've used that kind of a setup for 6 months and for me the mouse cursor always stays invisible and inactive. I'm using Linux+gnome so is it for example a Windows-only thing or something?
I believe the behaviour has changed in the current nightly builds, and if mousemove is mapped to noop the cursor will not display. This will be in the next release of XBMC. See
Okay. Good it's working as expected.

I made that second PR straight the next day after the initial (PR2533) so I made a false assumption that you talked about them both. My bad.

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<mousemove>noop</mousemove> should hide the mouse cursor0