MacMini w/ Windows or Linux to circumvent OS X audio issues?
Nop, i used bootcamp from Mountain Lion to setup Windows 8 on an USB Drive (so with all the Apple Drivers).
When i mean "everything is working", i'm talking about AAC/DTS to AC3 transcoding that is broken on XBMC/OSX, which means no multichannel support for AAC or DTS and eveything about HD-audio passthrough not supported in the Apple audio API.
jopie - What type of receiver? I have an Onkyo SR-607.

I should have some free time to try Windows 8 this afternoon. Apparently clenching/grinding your teeth due to stress (rough quarter at work) can lead to something called internal resorption. Basically my tooth is necrotic and it hurts immensely. So I get to take some really groovy meds in a few hours so they can excise it. In short, this afternoon I expect to be too high to do real work, so a Windows 8 installation may be up my alley.
Odd, I was told something similar by my dentist a few months ago, but he claimed it could be due to clenching/grinding at night!

Anyway, I have a Denon 4308, but have no idea whether my earlier suggestion is valid at all. I am grasping at straws here.

To come back to my earlier question for Minoums. Is it at all possible to install Windows on a MacMini without using any Apple drivers, i.e. without bootcamp?
Jopie, I guess it's possible, Windows 8 will be able to find drivers by itself throught Windows update, you can still uses the last bootcamp's archive for the unknow drivers. However i never tried this solution.
I have a 2011 Mac mini with Mountain lion, and I could not get xbmc to work worth a crap. Audio issues, studdering, and freezing. I struggled with it for a few days. I installed windows 7 x64, and it runs like a dream. I really hate having to run windows on a mac because I do appreciate Mac OS, but XBMC just runs better on Windows. (in my experience)

jopie: Did you use the updated bootcamp drivers that you download in the bootcamp wizard before you install windows? That's all I did. Download drivers, put it on flash drive. Partition hard drive. Install windows. Install bootcamp drivers. Then set up XBMC.. It was actually pretty smooth and painless. I'm running Frodo with no problems at all.

(2013-05-30, 17:42)Minoums Wrote: Same dilemma here. Finally I formated 2 days ago all the mac mini and put Windows 8 only (no dual camp to save space). Everything is working perfectly now Smile

I read that installing windows without bootcamp screws with the fan speed causing it to run full speed all the time. Does your fan work the way it should with windows 8? I think all the reading I did was for windows 7..
The fan is working fine with windows 8 & I did use bootcamp to setup the iso of windows 8 on an USB key,

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MacMini w/ Windows or Linux to circumvent OS X audio issues?0