Win Frodo --> Gotham Destroyed my Music Library
I removed 13.1 and went back to 12.3. I then copied over my userdata folder and everything worked as before. Note: the thumbnail folders were identical to 13.1 so copying would have done nothing.

I then copied the entire XBMC user folder (as suggested) and reinstalled 13.1. I erased the XBMC folder and copied over the old one and had my entire music library intact. With this configuration I am able to play and access the music fine and I have 2496 albums and 6389 artists.

However, I keep getting the nag "Music library needs to rescan tags from files" and then a "Scan now?" prompt. If I ignore it and click "no" everything continues to work fine, but I assume I am not getting new tracks/albums added to the library?

If I say "yes" to the scan now prompt the scanning takes a few hours and my album count goes down to 1529 and my artist count goes down to 1022!!!! Nothing I do changes this...except removing 13.1 and starting over.

I'd like to update to 13, but what do I doHuhHuh

I'm having problems with the transition from Frodo to Gotham in the music database too. In the end with tears in my eyes I deleted my Frodo database and started with a totally fresh xbmc install.
This isn't an option for me--I spent about a month putting in artist pictures and tweaking it exactly the way I want. If Gotham doesn't have good music scraping/handling ability then I will have to stick with Frodo (unfortunately).

(I have no explanation why my album list is cut by 1000 albums. There is no .nfo file or anything else I can see that would cause it. It just doesn't seem to be searching sub-folders. That makes me think maybe I need to see if the scan folders are not set to scan below...

we can of course try "improve" it for 14.0 release if you are willing to help and clearly list what issues there are.
This would of course require you to install some nightly builds for testing.

as long as you backup your userdata (wiki) you should be safe (if not using mysql as you would need to drop your db once in a while which should again not harm anything using Frodo db)
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(2014-06-10, 03:41)Brian B Wrote: I removed 13.1 and went back to 12.3. I then copied over my userdata folder and everything worked as before.


At this point you should export a single file library for import into Gotham.
(2014-06-10, 19:57)Martijn Wrote: we can of course try "improve" it for 14.0 release if you are willing to help and clearly list what issues there are.
This would of course require you to install some nightly builds for testing.

as long as you backup your userdata (wiki) you should be safe (if not using mysql as you would need to drop your db once in a while which should again not harm anything using Frodo db)

I did

Unfortunately however it is quite time consuming to report back. I will test a little further on another machine I have with Frodo installed. Most of my issues only occur during the transition from Frodo to Gotham during the initial rescan. With some 20.000 tracks this takes quite some time, the log is really long and my database quite big.

And there's the cranky girl friend being annoyed at me playing around with that "stupid machine" in the living room ("get something from Apple that really just works", Argh)...

I am however quite willing to help and report.
I noticed some behavior is changed in how infos are take and interpreted.
for example i have some folders with various songs of various artists. each song have as tag: name of the song, artist, year, genre and cover (different for each song).
with frodo each song is shown as single album. (even if i have more than one song of same artist)
with gotham all song of an artist are shown as a single album
so i see in library less songs of what they are, but if i browse a song (of whom artist have more songs) i find them grouped. i have not understood how choose the cover
maybe we have to well understand how scrape thinks.
(2014-06-10, 19:57)whitebelly Wrote:
(2014-06-10, 03:41)Brian B Wrote: I removed 13.1 and went back to 12.3. I then copied over my userdata folder and everything worked as before.


At this point you should export a single file library for import into Gotham.

I was running Frodo again for a few days to make sure operation was normal and working well. So last night...

Here's what I did:
1) Export Music Library to Single File
2) Install 13.1
3) Change Settings Level --> Expert
4) Import Music Library

The import took about 20 minutes and my library was as it was in Frodo and functioned normally UNTIL I get the nag that asks me to "Music library needs to rescan tags from files" again. This comes up every time I select the Music category. If I click "no" then all works fine, but if I click "yes" then my library is destroyed again and I lose 1000 albums and over 5000 artists.

Should I now re-import the music library and see if this corrects it?

Clearly there is something wrong in Gotham.

Maybe, before you click yes, you should make sure any old musicDB files, if they exist, are deleted from the userdata folder. But it sounds like its back to checking you tags again.

I think you should double check your music file tags to make sure there are no MBID tags. That's the only reason I can think of that will explain such behavior. Use MP3Tag, open some directories, select all (Alt-A), then hit Alt-T to list any non-standard tags. If they exist, even if they are blank, you probably want to delete them.

Also, check to see if 'Album Artist' is populated, and not just 'Artist'. You can run a tag-tag Convert action to copy Artist into Album Artist.

Very frustrating, I imagine, but its not something that others seem to be having a problem with. MBID tags have cause a lot of problems because they are hidden and lots of folks were aware their songs had those tags.

EDIT: RUN a debug log when you do your next "destruction" scan. It will tell you if it cannot open certain directories. The only other explanation I can think of is it just doesn't see some of you directories. Maybe see if the missing albums have some common directory (maybe check read permissions on those directories)
I don't have a good explanation for the reduction in albums, but I'm pretty sure the reason the Artist list is low is due to my directory structure--however, this was not a problem in Frodo.

My structure is Music/Genre/Album, but I also have subfolders under Genre/_Singles and Genre/_Compilations. My guess is that these are not being scanned and thus the huge differential in Artists. Do you suppose it could be the "_" that is screwing it up (or just having another directory below genre)? As you suggest, I believe the scan is ignoring this directories (which is a Gotham problem).

With my last huge tag convert I made sure everything had proper Album Artist tags. At your insistence I will look for MBID tags, but I don't believe that is the issue.

Is "Override song tags with online information" turned off in the Music Library settings?
(2014-06-14, 21:41)jjd-uk Wrote: Is "Override song tags with online information" turned off in the Music Library settings?

(2014-06-14, 21:00)Brian B Wrote: I don't have a good explanation for the reduction in albums, but I'm pretty sure the reason the Artist list is low is due to my directory structure--however, this was not a problem in Frodo.

Maybe move some of those missing albums to a different directory just to see if they show up. If so, you've narrowed down the culprit to a directory issue. It could be the naming, I suppose, with the underscore causing an issue.

Good luck.
(2014-06-14, 19:35)Brian B Wrote: The import took about 20 minutes and my library was as it was in Frodo and functioned normally UNTIL I get the nag that asks me to "Music library needs to rescan tags from files" again. This comes up every time I select the Music category.

In all my playing around with Gotham builds I have never seen this nag. I wonder what it is that triggers this?

scott s.
So, my saga continues...

Over the weekend I reinstalled Frodo (again) and I got everything working normally. However, before I did that I was able to run a manual scan (from hidden menu on the left) and it retrieved my missing artists and albums!! For some reason the "nag to re-scan" did not, but the manual scan did...

So, I went to back to Gotham and ran a manual scan. After the scan I still had my library, but I was also getting the same nag about re-scanning from tags. I also noticed that clicking on the music tab was taking about one minute to get to the next screen and clicking again would cause a "not responding" message. Going from artists and back and to albums caused this same long delay and issue. I needed to scan anyway, so I left it to scan when I went to sleep and turned the debug log on.

When I turned it on this morning everything was quick with no delay, but my entire music library was completely gone and the debug log was empty!! (I seem to be going backward.)

I suppose I will try this one more time and do the scan while I am awake and copy over the debug log while things are running.

After that it's back to Frodo for me!


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Frodo --> Gotham Destroyed my Music Library0