Updated surfthechannel.com plugin
anyone figured out what's going on here?

Sounds like something subtle has been tweaked....Are we firing up some spider filter or something?
I'm getting an error about the "List Index is Out of Range"...

Any idea what that is?
hi. will some $US money sent via paypal persuade anyone into fixing this script for me?

I would love to continue watching the lost episodes on my plasma .. someone please name a price!
Is there also the ability to use the alternative link, in case that Stage6 wont do?
Yeh it was a great site. Offering money? well you never know, might work - money talks as they say Wink
30$USD is my offer. Maybe if other people chip in, we can convince someone to do this. Or I will offer 50$USD for someone to fix the script, and create a tutorial for us to create our own scripts , and update thsi one.

XBMC on an Xbox1 can process and display 720p videos perfectly fine ... and it upscales normal streaming-quality web video GREAT!

Someone , please fix this!!
Cheap as the offer is (I'm counting on other people chipping in!)

I'll chuck in £5 GBP for someone to fix this (so that the majority of links are working) via paypal (works out at $9.84 USD I *think* ) Smile
Hey boxman ...

in my humble opinion , cheap = $0 dollars!

Every little bit will add up!

Anyone else that has a buck to spare ( and can benefit from this script ) , please chuck in whatever you can part with !

For me, I know I will save tons of $$ on rentals and purchasing dvd movies .... if I had this script to use every night instead!!

£5 is a lot when you're trying to live on a student loan ;-) and rentals are out of the question Big Grin
Definitely!! I've been there myself!

Anyway .. I'm realizing that maybe the reason no one is doing this is because this forum , or more specifically this thread, is not popular! I've never seen taht little box at the bottom of the thread indicate more than 1 guest viewing. And hardly EVER does ti say a registered user is.

Do you guys know any XBMC community that is more active? I'm thinking about posting a link to this thread from xbox-scene. Lord knows that forum is ALWAYS buzzing....... SOMEONE there has to know python (is the language of the plug-in/scripts even python?)
Someone up me the files and I will fix it. (For free)
Thumbs Up 
Haha gREAT to hear!!

ill up them for you , only if you provide your paypal email ................. Nod
the is the latest one i have ...

still digging to confirm it is the most recent one (pretty sure it is)

smartfast Wrote:the is the latest one i have ...

still digging to confirm it is the most recent one (pretty sure it is)


please .. PM me your paypal email. you deserve at least Somethign for the time you spend fixing it!
smartfast Wrote:the is the latest one i have ...

still digging to confirm it is the most recent one (pretty sure it is)


Thanks. But it doesn´t work for me (latest T3ch).

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